PopMM - 12/05/24 00:02

[00:02] RessurectioN_TAS in
[00:07] MrSmokin_hottie26 out
[00:10] bockwurstlaune in
[00:15] BigMonster in
[00:16] BigMonster> yoo
[00:16] BigMonster> this is sick af
[00:21] RessurectioN_TAS out
[00:25] jammy out
[00:28] [GoD]Rbwilson out
[00:37] [Rw]FreeMatt> what is this dead ass lobby?
[00:37] [Rw]FreeMatt> thats cuz inca warrior banend teh most active player in populous histyory
[00:46] [AsG]mentix> yo populous people lets play
[00:48] [GoD]spinnimini> The
[00:48] [AsG]mentix> JOINN
[00:55] [D]Joseph out
[00:55] [D]Joseph in
[01:05] [GoD]Rbwilson in
[01:11] [AsG]mentix> map?
[01:12] [D]Joseph> well i will be extra useless unless sess or walls
[01:12] [GoD]Rbwilson> yea...miss me with that
[01:12] [AsG]mentix> what would you want wilson
[01:12] [GoD]Rbwilson> I've said it 1000 times
[01:12] [GoD]Rbwilson> tired of same maps
[01:12] [GoD]Rbwilson> something classic
[01:12] [GoD]Rbwilson> tgw worlds would be nice
[01:12] [GoD]Rbwilson> like
[01:13] [GoD]Rbwilson> double scales
[01:13] [GoD]Rbwilson> or something oldskool
[01:13] [D]Joseph> ill pass
[01:13] [GoD]Rbwilson> lol see what i mean
[01:13] [GoD]Rbwilson> unless its 4 walls or same maps, its impossible to get games
[01:13] [GoD]Rbwilson> if people suggest new maps, or other maps, people just dont want to play it
[01:13] [GoD]Rbwilson> its reall sad
[01:13] [GoD]Rbwilson> really*
[01:14] [D]Joseph> well if less of a skill gap I wouldn't mind
[01:14] [D]Joseph> but not with these players, nty
[01:14] [GoD]Rbwilson> skill gap doesnt matter
[01:14] [GoD]Rbwilson> its just a game
[01:14] [GoD]Rbwilson> your not a bad player so idk what your talkin about
[01:14] [GoD]Rbwilson> you can hang with the big boys
[01:14] [GoD]Rbwilson> ive seen you do it before
[01:15] [GoD]Rbwilson> but by all means, its cool
[01:15] [D]Joseph> On familiar maps
[01:15] [GoD]Rbwilson> doesnt matter...learn to play other maps
[01:15] [GoD]Rbwilson> and adapt
[01:15] [D]Joseph> on unfamiliar, i'm very slow to build
[01:15] [GoD]Rbwilson> thats how u become better
[01:15] [D]Joseph> sure, but not in a game with shaman and fws
[01:15] [GoD]Rbwilson> lool
[01:15] [D]Joseph> is my point
[01:15] [GoD]Rbwilson> this guy man
[01:15] [GoD]Rbwilson> and my point, is if oyu play it
[01:15] [GoD]Rbwilson> you will improve
[01:16] [GoD]Rbwilson> dont be scard to play it because its unfamiliar and its a high rankin game
[01:16] [GoD]Rbwilson> if anything, that should influcence u more to play it
[01:16] [GoD]Rbwilson> to become better and play maps u havent played before
[01:16] [GoD]Rbwilson> so next time, you will nkow how to play it
[01:16] [GoD]Rbwilson> why stick to the same 6 maps? doesnt it get boring..
[01:16] [D]Joseph> no
[01:16] [D]Joseph> i don't play all the time
[01:16] [GoD]Rbwilson> ye get out your comfort zone
[01:16] [GoD]Rbwilson> and play other shit man..
[01:17] [D]Joseph> you'll be ok rb
[01:17] [D]Joseph> <3
[01:18] [GoD]Rbwilson> ofc ill be ok
[01:18] [GoD]Rbwilson> im not scared to play it
[01:19] Lucas> Match?
[01:19] [AsG]mentix> i think this will be unbalanced with cccp sorry
[01:19] [GoD]Rbwilson> bock 1v1?
[01:19] [D]Joseph> I can ally him on sess
[01:20] [AsG]mentix> nah its fine
[01:20] [GoD]Rbwilson> lmetnxitg
[01:20] [GoD]Rbwilson> come discord
[01:20] [GoD]Rbwilson> mentix
[01:21] [AsG]mentix> for what
[01:21] [GoD]Rbwilson> we are all here
[01:21] [AsG]mentix> which one
[01:21] [GoD]Rbwilson> ice, leaf, spinn, danny, me
[01:21] [GoD]Rbwilson> ill send you
[01:21] [GoD]Rbwilson> link
[01:21] [AsG]mentix> leafs?
[01:21] [GoD]Rbwilson> yes
[01:21] [GoD]Rbwilson> https://discord.gg/HkCBQJTs
[01:22] [AsG]mentix> why doesnt all mappacks show up in search
[01:23] [D]Joseph> seems like most are there for me
[01:24] [AsG]mentix> for example tundras 6-8 players isnt there for me
[01:24] [D]Joseph> same
[01:24] [D]Joseph> idk why
[01:25] [AsG]mentix> was gonna add some maps to Favorites but seems it gets cleared all the time
[01:27] washedUp_tsi> search specific maps?
[01:27] [AsG]mentix> doest work
[01:28] washedUp_tsi> which map
[01:29] [AsG]mentix> yggdratom for example
[01:29] washedUp_tsi> weird
[01:33] [Rw]Carycyn in
[01:34] [Rw]Carycyn> hi
[01:34] [GoD]Rbwilson> just refresh mappacks mentix
[01:34] [GoD]Rbwilson> should fix it
[01:34] [Rw]Carycyn> is there any hope of games?
[01:34] [GoD]Rbwilson> sure carycyn
[01:34] [GoD]Rbwilson> wanna 1v1?
[01:35] [GoD]Rbwilson> or join for a 2v2
[01:35] [Rw]Carycyn> would rather team games but if it doesnt happen in 10 mins then maybe
[01:35] [AsG]mentix> id watch that shit
[01:36] [Rw]Carycyn> bock and mentix join?
[01:40] [GoD]Rbwilson> any specs?
[01:40] [GoD]Rbwilson> for this 1v1?
[01:41] Almafuerte in
[01:42] Almafuerte out
[01:56] bockwurstlaune out
[02:00] [OP]pressive_clown out
[02:07] [Rw]Carycyn> played shit
[02:07] [GoD]Rbwilson> you did fine
[02:08] [D]Joseph> Good try Cary
[02:08] [D]Joseph> :pepelove:
[02:08] [Rw]Carycyn> that was awful
[02:08] [AsG]mentix> a little bad mid defence and when he went your front when you had lots of towers there you should probably have continued going through mid
[02:09] [AsG]mentix> and try to build and fill towers faster
[02:09] [Rw]Carycyn> pop graphs are awful
[02:10] [AsG]mentix out
[02:13] [Rw]Carycyn> wanna host this one rb
[02:13] [Rw]Carycyn> ?
[02:16] [D]Joseph> cary vs cccp?
[02:16] [D]Joseph> cccp just beat me
[02:16] [Rw]Carycyn> would like a team game now
[02:16] [Rw]Carycyn> suffered enough already
[02:16] [D]Joseph> no he would be good match for you
[02:17] [D]Joseph> i dont think we get +1
[02:19] [D]Joseph> last chance before i go sleeep :Zzz:
[02:20] cccp> dont waste health
[02:20] cccp> u will get half life
[02:20] [Rw]Carycyn> gordon freeman
[02:21] [D]Joseph> yea
[02:21] [D]Joseph> i need to go get healthy sleep then :pepelove:
[02:21] [D]Joseph> gn
[02:21] [Rw]Carycyn> same
[02:21] [D]Joseph out
[02:21] [Rw]Carycyn> night
[02:21] [Rw]Carycyn out
[02:22] cccp out
[02:33] Icefire out
[02:49] sixballs in
[03:21] doctmercy in
[03:23] ruzcas in
[03:24] sixballs out
[03:25] sixballs in
[03:26] ExLordDeath in
[03:27] sixballs> no
[03:27] [GoD]Rbwilson out
[03:28] sixballs> ikani
[03:28] ExLordDeath out
[03:29] sixballvn2 in
[03:29] sixballsvn in
[03:29] sixballs> JJ and Mikey
[03:56] doctmercy out
[04:23] sixballs out
[04:26] ExLordDeath in
[04:27] [Rw]FreeMatt> doo doo
[04:39] sixballvn2 out
[04:40] ExLordDeath> 1v1
[04:40] ExLordDeath> ?
[04:41] ExLordDeath out
[04:48] sclowe1029 in
[04:49] ExLordDeath in
[04:50] Zarza in
[04:50] sclowe1029> ex lord death
[04:51] sclowe1029> how good r u
[04:51] ExLordDeath> what
[04:51] ExLordDeath> pretty bad
[04:51] [Rw]FreeMatt out
[04:51] sclowe1029> do u wanna do a 3 plaer ffa
[04:52] ExLordDeath> sure
[04:53] ExLordDeath> bruh
[04:53] ExLordDeath> why kick me lol
[04:53] sclowe1029> my bad i cant start
[04:53] Zarza> it wouldnt start
[04:53] sclowe1029> u host
[04:53] ExLordDeath> lol
[04:53] ExLordDeath> what map
[04:54] sclowe1029> whatever u think would be best
[04:54] sclowe1029> for a 3 person ffa
[04:54] ExLordDeath> ok
[04:55] ExLordDeath> glhf
[05:32] [Rw]FreeMatt in
[05:34] sixballsvn out
[05:38] ExLordDeath> gg
[05:38] Zarza> gg
[05:38] Zarza> lol
[05:38] ExLordDeath> a 2v1 would be better for you
[05:38] Zarza> u kicked our ass lmao
[05:38] ExLordDeath> yeah but you will learn
[05:39] ExLordDeath> comp is very different from the single player
[05:39] ExLordDeath> i tried to help but neither of you listened xD
[05:39] ExLordDeath> if you want to try again different map join
[05:40] ExLordDeath> brb
[05:41] ruzcas out
[05:43] [Rw]FreeMatt out
[05:59] ExLordDeath> :D ice
[06:04] sclowe1029 out
[06:09] Zarza out
[06:24] BigMonster out
[07:12] adray_tsi out
[08:19] Luxray out
[08:30] bockwurstlaune in
[08:51] [AvA]noobITA in
[08:51] [AvA]noobITA> good morning
[08:51] [AvA]noobITA> +3
[08:51] [AvA]noobITA> noobs join
[08:57] washedUp_tsi out
[09:05] Plan3tFall in
[09:11] jammy in
[09:12] bockwurstlaune> come guys
[09:12] bockwurstlaune> lets play
[09:14] [AvA]noobITA> yerah
[09:14] [AvA]noobITA> ye
[09:14] [AvA]noobITA> all afk
[09:15] bockwurstlaune> ye
[09:15] [AvA]noobITA> 1v1 then
[09:15] [AvA]noobITA> :FD
[09:15] [AvA]noobITA> :D
[09:19] Plan3tFall out
[09:23] Plan3tFall in
[09:41] jammy out
[09:56] sixballvn2 in
[09:56] sixballs in
[09:56] sixballsvn in
[09:57] sixballvn2 in
[09:59] sixballvn2 out
[10:00] sixballvn2 in
[10:02] sixballvn2 out
[10:10] jammy in
[10:12] [AvA]noobITA> well push like a damn
[10:12] bockwurstlaune> gg
[10:12] [AvA]noobITA> fuck i suck
[10:12] [AvA]noobITA> gg
[10:12] [AvA]noobITA> just did wrong things
[10:12] [AvA]noobITA> died stupidly
[10:12] [AvA]noobITA> i got fun anyway
[10:12] [AvA]noobITA> damn u push so early
[10:12] [AvA]noobITA> like babo
[10:13] [AvA]noobITA> ghost towers ecc
[10:13] [AvA]noobITA> cug time
[10:16] sixballs out
[10:16] sixballs in
[10:33] sixballsvn out
[10:41] [AvA]noobITA> à
[10:41] [AvA]noobITA out
[10:41] [AvA]noobITA in
[10:48] jammy> can i wtch
[10:48] [AvA]noobITA> YEAH
[10:48] sixballs out
[10:49] [AvA]noobITA> me yell now bock
[10:49] [AvA]noobITA> im bad as red
[10:51] sixballvn2 out
[10:51] sixballvn2 in
[11:08] [AsG]mentix in
[11:23] [AvA]noobITA> omg could ally
[11:24] [AvA]noobITA> gg bock
[11:24] [AvA]noobITA out
[11:24] ExLordDeath out
[11:24] [AvA]noobITA in
[11:25] [AvA]noobITA out
[11:25] [AvA]noobITA in
[11:25] bockwurstlaune> gz
[11:25] [AvA]noobITA> why u surrended
[11:25] [AvA]noobITA> lol
[11:25] [AvA]noobITA> 9 pts
[11:25] [AvA]noobITA> thanks xd
[11:25] [AvA]noobITA> i got fun
[11:25] [AvA]noobITA> im still slow
[11:25] [AvA]noobITA> had need more pop and wars
[11:26] [AvA]noobITA> see u later
[11:26] [AvA]noobITA out
[11:31] sixballvn2 out
[11:34] Suslik in
[11:35] Suslik out
[11:39] power_OP> any games
[11:51] Power_OP in
[11:51] [D]Joseph in
[11:51] Power_OP> Hey Joseph
[11:51] [D]Joseph> hey powaaa
[11:54] Power_OP> menix u wanna play ?
[11:54] [AsG]mentix> okay i can ally joseph on walls or something
[11:54] Power_OP> bock said he plays later
[11:55] Power_OP> so 1v1?
[11:55] Power_OP> idk
[11:55] Power_OP> or lemme pm plant3 fall
[11:55] [AsG]Godzilla in
[11:55] [AsG]mentix> dont feel like playing 1v1
[11:55] Power_OP> ok
[11:56] Power_OP> pm ed jammy and planet
[11:56] [D]Joseph> bigbang and Planet*
[11:56] Zpektrix_TAS in
[11:56] Power_OP> tsu is here
[11:56] Power_OP> nice
[11:56] [AsG]mentix> brb
[11:56] Power_OP> palying tsu?
[11:56] [D]Joseph> hey tsu
[11:56] Zpektrix_TAS out
[11:56] Zpektrix_TAS in
[11:56] Zpektrix_TAS> hmm
[11:57] Zpektrix_TAS> i just came home
[11:57] Zpektrix_TAS> lemme goto toilet and wash my hands
[11:57] Power_OP> ok mentiz brb as well
[11:58] Zpektrix_TAS> for how long ?
[11:58] [AsG]mentix> im back
[11:59] bockwurstlaune> wait for tsu
[11:59] bockwurstlaune> busy atm
[12:02] [D]Joseph> lol
[12:02] Power_OP> isnt if for only spectatiing
[12:02] Power_OP> idk
[12:17] bockwurstlaune out
[12:22] [AsG]Ralimurr in
[12:24] lewisgm in
[12:25] lewisgm out
[12:26] lewisgm in
[12:27] Plan3tFall in
[12:28] Plan3tFall out
[12:31] [D]Joseph> gg wp
[12:31] Power_OP> gg wp
[12:33] Unpredictable in
[12:34] Power_OP> hey rd
[12:34] Power_OP> rod
[12:34] Unpredictable> ey¨
[12:34] [AsG]mentix> tervetuloa
[12:34] Power_OP> mentix palying more?
[12:34] Unpredictable> tack so mycket
[12:34] [AsG]mentix> i should eat
[12:34] [AsG]mentix> så*
[12:34] Unpredictable> :nice:
[12:34] Unpredictable> nearly
[12:34] Unpredictable> correcty
[12:35] Unpredictable> is mothersday in every country same day*?
[12:35] Power_OP> yeah
[12:35] [D]Joseph> is in usa today
[12:35] Power_OP> happy mothers days for your mothers guys :)
[12:35] Power_OP> :jedi:
[12:36] [D]Joseph> same :ohyes:
[12:36] Unpredictable> yoo joseph join
[12:36] Unpredictable> come ally tsu
[12:37] Unpredictable> vs me and power
[12:37] [D]ClownConcern in
[12:37] [AsG]mentix> yo i just allied joseph vs them you should do it too now
[12:37] Unpredictable> did u win
[12:37] Power_OP> he did
[12:37] Unpredictable> nize
[12:37] Power_OP> they played good
[12:37] Power_OP> joseph is good
[12:37] [AsG]mentix> was hard but we won
[12:37] Power_OP> player
[12:37] [D]Joseph> guys idk these games make me nervous
[12:37] [D]Joseph> and I have heart attack
[12:37] xtro in
[12:38] [D]Joseph> get xtro
[12:38] Power_OP> i alwasy do josepf
[12:38] Unpredictable> yaa try not get too hectick in games joseph
[12:38] Unpredictable> and try have enough alcohol mid game
[12:38] Unpredictable> so u stay hydraTED
[12:38] [D]ClownConcern out
[12:38] [D]Joseph> yes i think i need to incorporate alchohol or marijuana
[12:38] Power_OP> xtro join ally rod?
[12:38] Unpredictable> tsu got no ping btw
[12:39] Power_OP> or rod wanna do 1v1 while waiting homies
[12:39] Unpredictable> ok
[12:39] Zpektrix_TAS out
[12:39] Unpredictable> lemmi make coffee first
[12:39] Unpredictable> since mothersday lunch i just ate
[12:39] Zpektrix_TAS in
[12:39] Zpektrix_TAS out
[12:39] Zpektrix_TAS in
[12:39] Plan3tFall out
[12:40] [D]Joseph> i need coffe too
[12:41] Plan3tFall in
[12:41] Power_OP> pr planet and tsu come
[12:41] Power_OP> 2v2
[12:41] Power_OP> idk
[12:41] Unpredictable> and i feel what u say joseph, many people say i cause em to panic and be hectick bd my dboors
[12:41] Unpredictable> bc*
[12:41] [D]Joseph> yea bd would do it
[12:41] [D]Joseph> or anythi pressure lmao
[12:42] [D]Joseph> in lower skilled game duration of pressure usually more manageable
[12:42] Unpredictable> try my tsradegie
[12:42] Unpredictable> stradegie
[12:42] [D]Joseph> luckily power and tsu went for Mentix whole game tho
[12:42] Unpredictable> if someone says sometihing
[12:42] Unpredictable> just ignore
[12:42] Unpredictable> and keep ur mission
[12:42] [D]Joseph> ye well mentix didnt say anything
[12:42] Unpredictable> he knows
[12:42] [D]Joseph> i just need to not worry prob :monkahmm:
[12:42] Unpredictable> not to bother ally with noncense
[12:43] Unpredictable> i many times dont warn ally if enemy walks in if i see hes attacking
[12:43] Unpredictable> cos that makes him fail attack and
[12:43] Unpredictable> panic
[12:43] Unpredictable> and possible remove base
[12:43] [D]Joseph> i see
[12:43] [D]Joseph> recently i took off legacy mouse
[12:43] [D]Joseph> and its made everything much better for me
[12:43] Unpredictable> aah nice
[12:44] Unpredictable> do u have draw option ticked?
[12:44] [D]Joseph> ddraw?
[12:44] Unpredictable> enable direct 3d 9
[12:44] [D]Joseph> no
[12:44] [D]Joseph> should i?
[12:44] Unpredictable> guyd
[12:44] Unpredictable> naah
[12:44] [D]Joseph> kk
[12:44] Unpredictable> back in the days u had to
[12:44] Unpredictable> but inca made changes to game
[12:44] Unpredictable> now u can without it
[12:44] [D]Joseph> i just do full screen
[12:45] iyuni in
[12:45] Unpredictable> i dont get it
[12:45] Unpredictable> if u dont have it ticked
[12:45] bockwurstlaune in
[12:45] Unpredictable> how can u select full
[12:45] Power_OP> +1
[12:45] [D]Joseph> lmao
[12:45] [D]Joseph> nvm its not selected
[12:45] [D]Joseph> shows fullscreen by default
[12:45] Unpredictable> ok
[12:45] Unpredictable> +1 to ally me
[12:45] lewisgm out
[12:45] iyuni out
[12:45] Unpredictable> or random
[12:45] Unpredictable> teams
[12:47] [D]Joseph> any
[12:49] [AvA]Pharaoh in
[12:49] [AvA]Pharaoh out
[12:49] [AvA]Pharaoh in
[12:50] jammy> how to set hotkeys?
[12:51] jammy> can someone tell
[12:55] [GoD]spinnimini> Game ?
[12:56] [AvA]Pharaoh> no one waiting in hut but me for now
[12:56] [AvA]Pharaoh> trod power joseph and bock are in game
[13:02] JJaydenn_TSI in
[13:08] bockwurstlaune out
[13:08] [D]Joseph> gg
[13:08] Unpredictable> gg
[13:08] Power_OP> gg wp
[13:08] [D]Joseph> sry bock
[13:09] Power_OP> +1
[13:09] Unpredictable> ty for carry power
[13:09] Power_OP> lol
[13:09] Power_OP> was weird game play this time
[13:09] Power_OP> thoguht you had more pop
[13:09] Power_OP> +1
[13:10] Unpredictable> they key is not to have big pop
[13:11] Unpredictable> only to make enemy think so
[13:11] Unpredictable> its a mind game
[13:11] [GoD]spinnimini> Mentix
[13:11] Unpredictable> yes spin
[13:11] Unpredictable> pro game
[13:11] Unpredictable> +1
[13:11] [GoD]spinnimini> Who
[13:11] [AsG]mentix> meph nici babo
[13:11] Power_OP> rod me and jj xtro pharoah
[13:11] [GoD]spinnimini> Lmao
[13:12] [GoD]spinnimini> Careful mentix
[13:12] Power_OP> 3 nicis are here spin
[13:12] Power_OP> they need 4th
[13:12] Power_OP> imagine 4 nici playing pp
[13:12] [GoD]spinnimini> I know your hinge account details
[13:12] Unpredictable> spins said lately alot carefull
[13:12] Power_OP> planet jammy joseph tsu
[13:12] Unpredictable> like hes threatening ppl
[13:12] Power_OP> mentix
[13:12] Power_OP> join
[13:12] Unpredictable> "u better not lie to me"
[13:12] [GoD]spinnimini> Loool
[13:13] Unpredictable> :nice:
[13:13] Unpredictable> Unpredictable + [AvA]Pharaoh + JJaydenn_TSI vs. Power_OP + jammy + xtro
[13:13] Unpredictable> best ok?
[13:13] Power_OP> looks sick
[13:13] Unpredictable> full random?
[13:14] [GoD]spinnimini> Wait for me dude ?
[13:14] [GoD]spinnimini> Just a min dude
[13:14] Power_OP> dude stop chatting and join
[13:14] [GoD]spinnimini> Or no?
[13:14] Unpredictable> well its not nici and babo and meph
[13:14] JJaydenn_TSI> suggest spin
[13:14] [GoD]spinnimini> Ok go then I get next
[13:14] Power_OP> lol
[13:14] [GoD]spinnimini> Stream pls
[13:14] Power_OP> carefull spin
[13:14] Unpredictable> yes
[13:14] Unpredictable> lool
[13:14] Power_OP> i do stream
[13:14] Unpredictable> carefull
[13:14] Unpredictable> i stream too
[13:14] Power_OP> maybe 1 shaman each side
[13:15] Power_OP> and 2 preacher + fw + spy
[13:15] Power_OP> idk
[13:15] [GoD]spinnimini in
[13:15] Unpredictable> join spin
[13:15] JJaydenn_TSI> suggest suggest
[13:15] Unpredictable> and menmtix
[13:15] Power_OP> pm ed hem
[13:15] Power_OP> lets see
[13:15] [D]Joseph> ill watch
[13:16] Power_OP> u can wathc while playing
[13:16] Power_OP> thats what i do
[13:16] JJaydenn_TSI> pharaoh better then spin and he brave best suggest teams
[13:16] Power_OP> in genereal
[13:16] [GoD]spinnimini> go 3v3 i just wokle up need coffee
[13:16] jammy> can someone tell me how to set hotkeys?
[13:16] Unpredictable> btw joseph u asked what to do those situation
[13:16] Unpredictable> s
[13:16] Unpredictable> if u have all front alone for urself 10 min
[13:16] Unpredictable> just make 4 warrirs huts
[13:16] Unpredictable> and pump 100 warrioprs
[13:16] Unpredictable> and clear everything ur path
[13:16] Power_OP> lets go
[13:17] [D]Joseph> ok ty
[13:17] Power_OP> 2 preacher + shaman
[13:17] Unpredictable> mana is useless
[13:17] Unpredictable> anyway
[13:17] Power_OP> vs rest
[13:17] Unpredictable> unless ur spin
[13:17] Unpredictable> :nice:
[13:17] [D]Joseph> im not spin :feelsbadman:
[13:17] Power_OP> spin doesnt make troop till he get 130 pop
[13:17] Power_OP> is insane
[13:17] [D]Joseph> well im opposite
[13:17] Unpredictable> me and jjay back bases rest random
[13:17] Power_OP> ok
[13:17] [D]Joseph> i rely on troops more sinc eshaman suck
[13:17] Power_OP> same here
[13:17] Power_OP> ye
[13:18] [GoD]spinnimini> looool
[13:18] [AsG]mentix> not finised eatng
[13:19] Power_OP> https://www.twitch.tv/power_op_
[13:19] Power_OP> hf spin
[13:19] Unpredictable> wow power stream
[13:19] Unpredictable> then i dont
[13:19] power_OP> i always do
[13:19] power_OP> lol
[13:20] [AvA]noobITA in
[13:21] Sherminator in
[13:22] Mammy_Tas in
[13:22] Mammy_Tas> :heyguyz: :tree1:
[13:22] [AvA]noobITA> yo mammy :D
[13:22] Mammy_Tas> hi :D
[13:23] Sherminator out
[13:25] itobadforyou in
[13:27] [D]Joseph> hi mammy
[13:29] iyuni in
[13:34] Mammy_Tas> hi Jeseph :)
[13:34] Mammy_Tas> Joseph *
[13:35] Cyborg out
[13:36] Cyborg in
[13:36] Cyborg> rb
[13:38] washedUp_tsi in
[13:39] Cyborg> nm
[13:39] Cyborg> secret
[13:39] [GoD]spinnimini> discord
[13:39] [GoD]spinnimini> coffee time
[13:39] [GoD]spinnimini> ice
[13:39] washedUp_tsi> perfect
[13:40] [AvA]noobITA> 1v1 ossur
[13:40] [AvA]noobITA> ?
[13:40] [AvA]noobITA> hi anyway
[13:43] Power_OP> gg wp
[13:43] [GoD]spinnimini> lol
[13:43] Power_OP> well played team
[13:43] Power_OP> i was just running aournd
[13:43] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[13:43] Power_OP> and dying
[13:43] jammy> gg but all opponents were the ones that are v good on walls
[13:44] [SW]Fried_Rice> sunny day for pop
[13:44] [GoD]spinnimini> dont u dare
[13:44] [GoD]spinnimini> doing pp
[13:44] [AvA]noobITA> YES fried
[13:44] [GoD]spinnimini> mentix
[13:44] [AsG]mentix> yes
[13:44] [GoD]spinnimini> go discord
[13:44] [D]Joseph> happy mothers day bella
[13:44] [AvA]noobITA> join joseph
[13:45] [D]Joseph> nah ill watch pros
[13:45] [AvA]noobITA> kek
[13:45] [SW]Fried_Rice> im not a mum...
[13:45] Power_OP> mammy jj
[13:45] [GoD]spinnimini> can we walls?
[13:45] Power_OP> join
[13:45] [D]Joseph> wtf
[13:45] [GoD]spinnimini> and not pp
[13:45] [D]Joseph> thought you were lmao
[13:45] [AvA]noobITA> map?
[13:46] washedUp_tsi> loool Joseph
[13:46] jammy out
[13:46] jammy in
[13:47] Cyborg> me
[13:47] [AsG]mentix> mammy tsu jayden join
[13:48] [AvA]noobITA out
[13:48] xtro out
[13:48] Power_OP> or go 3v3
[13:48] [GoD]spinnimini> [AsG]mentix + Power_OP + Unpredictable vs. [GoD]spinnimini + washedUp_tsi + [SW]Fried_Rice
[13:48] Cyborg> yggdrasil?
[13:49] verklopper in
[13:49] Power_OP> man
[13:49] Power_OP> 3v3 pp is trash
[13:49] Power_OP> worst map ever
[13:49] Unpredictable> yaa power i agree
[13:49] [D]Joseph> lol
[13:49] [AsG]mentix> ok
[13:49] jammy out
[13:49] [D]Joseph> the mid base feels useless
[13:49] Unpredictable> can we do 3 v 3
[13:49] Unpredictable> better map
[13:49] jammy in
[13:49] verklopper out
[13:49] [AsG]mentix> what map
[13:49] [AsG]mentix> all are trash
[13:49] Power_OP> if you want pp do normal pp with 6p
[13:49] Unpredictable> cross fields engage
[13:50] Unpredictable> thats hella nice map
[13:50] [AsG]mentix> wasnt that the one i selected?
[13:50] Unpredictable> ?
[13:50] [AsG]mentix> pp with 6p
[13:50] Power_OP> do 8p pp
[13:50] Power_OP> but with 6 players
[13:50] Power_OP> if you want pp
[13:50] [D]Joseph> pm tsu
[13:50] JJaydenn_TSI> i can play if we get another quick
[13:51] Cyborg out
[13:51] [D]Joseph> mammy was just here too
[13:51] [AsG]mentix> MUMMY
[13:51] Power_OP> pm tsu
[13:51] Power_OP> o asnwers
[13:51] Power_OP> pm ed mmay
[13:51] Cyborg in
[13:51] Power_OP> no asers
[13:51] [D]Joseph> damn maybe tsu and mammy pm each other
[13:52] JJaydenn_TSI> go 6p
[13:52] JJaydenn_TSI> ill get next
[13:52] Power_OP> where is babo when you need
[13:52] [GoD]spinnimini> no wait jjay
[13:52] [GoD]spinnimini> i get 1
[13:53] [GoD]spinnimini> just join and smoke your joint
[13:53] Power_OP> you get eric ?
[13:53] Power_OP> ara ?
[13:53] [AsG]mentix> spins making phone calls around the globe
[13:53] [GoD]spinnimini> ye ara eric tsu
[13:53] Unpredictable> go that engage mentix
[13:53] Unpredictable> cross fields
[13:53] [D]Joseph> spin most connect pop player
[13:53] [D]Joseph> connected*
[13:53] [OP]pressive_clown in
[13:53] Power_OP> he is
[13:53] Power_OP> and here babo id
[13:53] [SW]Fried_Rice> speak and he shall come
[13:53] Power_OP> is
[13:53] Power_OP> [15:52] Power_OP> where is babo when you need
[13:53] Power_OP> [15:53] [OP]pressive_clown in
[13:53] Power_OP> :nice:
[13:54] Cyborg out
[13:54] [D]Joseph> babo the babadook
[13:54] Cyborg in
[13:54] Unpredictable> 3 v 3 sess could be nice too
[13:54] washedUp_tsi> yeah
[13:54] Power_OP> ok go sess
[13:54] Power_OP> we can play whilewaitig ohers
[13:54] [AsG]mentix> were getting ppl
[13:55] Power_OP> u can get people for next
[13:55] Power_OP> and do not wate time of others
[13:55] [D]Joseph> just ate a pint of ice cream for breakfast :feelsbadman:
[13:55] Power_OP> jsut drink awter
[13:55] [AsG]mentix> [AsG]mentix + Power_OP + Unpredictable vs. [GoD]spinnimini + washedUp_tsi + [SW]Fried_Rice
[13:55] Power_OP> thats wnoguh for breakfast
[13:56] [D]Joseph> normally yes
[13:56] Power_OP> ..
[13:57] Power_OP> ZzzZZZzzzZZZ
[13:57] [AsG]mentix> someone else host maybe
[13:57] [GoD]spinnimini> wait he update
[13:58] [AsG]mentix> trod is kasperi a girls name in finland
[13:58] Unpredictable> no lol
[13:58] Unpredictable> is it somewhere?
[13:58] [AsG]mentix> wtf
[13:58] [AsG]mentix> yep
[13:58] Unpredictable> like where
[13:58] [AsG]mentix> hinge
[13:59] Unpredictable> kasperi is a boys name
[13:59] Unpredictable> but these days woman are men and men are woman
[13:59] Unpredictable> chaging sexes
[13:59] Power_OP> lol
[13:59] Unpredictable> think u can put any name any sex
[14:00] Power_OP> https://www.twitch.tv/power_op_
[14:00] Power_OP> hf
[14:00] Power_OP> nvm
[14:00] washedUp_tsi out
[14:00] Power_OP> :kek:
[14:00] [AsG]mentix out
[14:00] Unpredictable> tell ice to launch mm administrator
[14:01] [GoD]spinnimini> they relog
[14:01] washedUp_tsi in
[14:01] [AsG]mentix in
[14:01] Power_OP> are they?
[14:01] [GoD]spinnimini> no its just illusion
[14:02] itobadforyou out
[14:02] [OP]pressive_clown out
[14:02] [OP]pressive_clown in
[14:02] [OP]pressive_clown> :howdy:
[14:03] iyuni out
[14:03] Unpredictable> big babo
[14:03] Unpredictable> hello
[14:03] [AsG]mentix> [AsG]mentix + Power_OP + [GoD]spinnimini vs. Unpredictable + [OP]pressive_clown + [SW]Fried_Rice
[14:03] Unpredictable> we take power
[14:03] Unpredictable> trade to bella
[14:03] [OP]pressive_clown> why
[14:03] [OP]pressive_clown> you dont like bella?
[14:03] Unpredictable> spin says
[14:03] Unpredictable> he want her
[14:04] [OP]pressive_clown> lol
[14:04] [AsG]mentix> lol
[14:04] Power_OP> LMFO
[14:04] [AsG]mentix> thats not really what he said but okay
[14:04] Power_OP> LOL
[14:04] Power_OP> thats what she said?
[14:05] washedUp_tsi> 60] Update - could not move C:\Program Files (x86)\Bullfrog\Populous\D3DPopTB.exe to C:\Program Files (x86)\Bullfrog\Populous\D3DPopTB.xold: The operation completed successfully
[14:05] washedUp_tsi out
[14:05] Power_OP> lol waht is that
[14:05] Power_OP> https://www.twitch.tv/power_op_
[14:05] washedUp_tsi in
[14:10] jammy> gg
[14:10] Cyborg> rematch
[14:10] Cyborg> gg
[14:10] jammy> ok
[14:10] [Rw]Carycyn in
[14:13] RessurectioN_TAS in
[14:18] cccp in
[14:20] xtro in
[14:20] jammy> gg
[14:21] Cyborg> wp
[14:21] Cyborg> you r so good mna
[14:21] Cyborg> man
[14:21] Cyborg> join here jammy
[14:21] jammy> thanks : )
[14:21] jammy> relogging
[14:21] jammy out
[14:22] jammy in
[14:23] Cyborg> pp?
[14:23] cccp> PPP
[14:23] Cyborg> kk
[14:23] Cyborg> team up
[14:23] cccp> what teams ?
[14:23] Cyborg> me and jammy
[14:23] jammy> i ally Cyborg
[14:23] cccp> SAIBORG powerfull ?
[14:23] jammy> xD
[14:23] cccp> ok
[14:25] cccp> 0
[14:25] cccp> peeng
[14:25] jammy> whos ping
[14:26] jammy out
[14:26] jammy in
[14:26] cccp> DJAMMI
[14:26] cccp> no peeng
[14:29] adray_tsi in
[14:35] [Rw]Carycyn out
[14:36] [Rw]Carycyn in
[14:38] Lovenji_OP in
[14:38] Lovenji_OP> :howdy:
[14:38] Mammy_Tas> hi :)
[14:38] Lovenji_OP> Hey Mahmut
[14:38] Lovenji_OP> done any practicing to prepare for Keithy boy
[14:39] Mammy_Tas> :no:
[14:39] Lovenji_OP> I'm hoping Rali practices
[14:39] Lovenji_OP> he has a real shot against Venom if he's on form
[14:40] Mammy_Tas> I should really practice last time I did 1v1 vs keith on revival I did win, but it was kinda laggy for him :(
[14:40] Lovenji_OP> Also I've just switched to Opera GX, this is a pretty fucking good browser
[14:41] washedUp_tsi> whats better about it?
[14:41] washedUp_tsi> I use BRAVE
[14:41] washedUp_tsi> Opera GX isnt a chrome based browser is it?
[14:42] Mammy_Tas> I use chrome :)
[14:43] washedUp_tsi> everyone in the EU pretty much does
[14:44] Lovenji_OP> Opera GX is chromium based ye, but it's main sell is it fixes all of the inefficiencies of the other browsers on the same base
[14:44] Lovenji_OP> It's using about 10% of the RAM that my Chrome was using
[14:45] washedUp_tsi> really
[14:45] [Rw]Raver in
[14:45] washedUp_tsi> that sounds appealing
[14:45] bockwurstlaune in
[14:45] Lovenji_OP> And adblocker is working on it
[14:45] Lovenji_OP> Unlike Chrome and Edge
[14:45] Mammy_Tas> :O
[14:45] Lovenji_OP> It's been pretty impressive so far
[14:46] washedUp_tsi> thats why i use brave for the ad block abilties
[14:46] Lovenji_OP> I'm also lazy so the side panel with Twitch, Spotify, Youtube, Discord, Telegram and WhatsApp without needing all these apps open is great
[14:47] washedUp_tsi> the Chinese bought it
[14:47] washedUp_tsi> didnt realize that
[14:47] Lovenji_OP> WTF is power doing with a volcano
[14:48] [Rw]Carycyn> he charged it when he was about to enter spins base
[14:48] [Rw]Carycyn> then things happened
[14:48] washedUp_tsi> dont charge volcano unlesss you are better than the other player you are facing is a good rule of thumb
[14:48] washedUp_tsi> it doesnt help you win games
[14:48] Lovenji_OP> That's what I always thought
[14:48] washedUp_tsi> doing it vs spin is suicide
[14:49] [Rw]Carycyn> well hes dead now
[14:49] [Rw]Carycyn> i thought he played pretty well tho
[14:49] [Rw]Carycyn> i mean power
[14:49] [Rw]Carycyn> his shaman was immortal at some point
[14:49] Lovenji_OP> That's two firestorms worth of mana that he's not using rn
[14:51] [Rw]Carycyn> whos torrin on disc
[14:51] Lovenji_OP> Ice
[14:52] [Rw]Carycyn> tekks spin right?
[14:52] Lovenji_OP> Yep
[14:53] Lovenji_OP> That's Mentix, Ice and Spin in that call
[14:53] Lovenji_OP> if it's Tundar's disc you're looking at
[14:53] [Rw]Carycyn> yea
[14:54] [Rw]Carycyn> pink untouched
[14:55] Power_OP> that was so annyongi
[14:55] Power_OP> and shit
[14:55] Power_OP> spin camping and ending you 30 braves
[14:55] Power_OP> each time
[14:55] washedUp_tsi out
[14:55] Meph> Lol.
[14:55] [OP]pressive_clown> :zzz:
[14:55] Power_OP> just take risk and gtfo
[14:56] washedUp_tsi in
[14:56] Power_OP> i didnt have bd option either cause blue was bd ed already
[14:56] washedUp_tsi> why the hell does MS make teams start up on personal PCs
[14:56] washedUp_tsi> so stupid
[14:56] washedUp_tsi> no one is using that for personal use
[14:56] [OP]pressive_clown> ikr ice
[14:57] [OP]pressive_clown> i cant get it out of autostart
[14:57] Meph> Game?
[14:57] washedUp_tsi> im uninstalling it
[14:57] Power_OP> join meph
[14:57] Power_OP> all pros are here
[14:57] Unpredictable> whats ms
[14:57] washedUp_tsi> microsoft
[14:57] [GoD]spinnimini> ja meph
[14:57] [GoD]spinnimini> komm
[14:57] Power_OP> +3
[14:57] Power_OP> +2
[14:57] Mammy_Tas> Ice is a :blue: again :D
[14:58] Power_OP> +1
[14:58] Power_OP> nice
[14:58] washedUp_tsi> respect for the 2v2!
[14:58] Power_OP> what teams?
[14:58] Meph> Reserce a spot
[14:58] [GoD]spinnimini> habe
[14:58] Power_OP> +1
[14:58] Unpredictable> ygra pp
[14:58] [OP]pressive_clown> warum spielt ihr alle als wärt ihr mephs nachfahre?????
[14:58] [OP]pressive_clown> ich verstehe das nicht
[14:58] [AsG]mentix> dam tough game
[14:58] Power_OP> guys go down
[14:58] Power_OP> they wont join us
[14:58] [GoD]spinnimini> naja gut rot ging auf meine seite front musste halt campen
[14:58] Power_OP> bock babo
[14:58] Power_OP> nvm
[14:58] Power_OP> what teams
[14:58] Mammy_Tas> :)
[14:58] [GoD]spinnimini> hatte keine def
[14:58] Power_OP> ty mammy
[14:58] [GoD]spinnimini> war kritisch fuer mich
[14:58] Power_OP> for being here
[14:59] [OP]pressive_clown> Power_OP + [OP]pressive_clown vs. bockwurstlaune + Mammy_Tas
[14:59] Mammy_Tas> save the day :D
[14:59] Power_OP> ok
[14:59] Power_OP> op vs
[14:59] [GoD]spinnimini> pinkl hat doch gruen zerstoert
[14:59] [GoD]spinnimini> hast du das nicht gesehen
[14:59] washedUp_tsi> thank you mammy
[14:59] [GoD]spinnimini> ?
[14:59] [OP]pressive_clown> ja und campte dann für 25 minuten
[14:59] [OP]pressive_clown> ????
[14:59] Mammy_Tas> np :)
[14:59] [GoD]spinnimini> ja
[14:59] [AsG]Godzilla out
[14:59] washedUp_tsi> ive pledged loyalty to beta and the leagues rewarded me
[14:59] washedUp_tsi> crazy
[14:59] [OP]pressive_clown> lmao alter
[14:59] [OP]pressive_clown> wie ihr spielt
[14:59] Lovenji_OP> LOL
[14:59] Lovenji_OP> Ice
[14:59] [OP]pressive_clown> das war nicht schön anzusehen
[14:59] [GoD]spinnimini> ja sags denen
[14:59] Lovenji_OP> You couldn't pledge loyalty to Beta if I paid you
[14:59] [OP]pressive_clown> war legit und gut gespielt, aber sehr langweilig
[14:59] [OP]pressive_clown> so wie meph halt
[14:59] [OP]pressive_clown> lmao
[15:00] [GoD]spinnimini> ruhig
[15:00] washedUp_tsi> beta encourages meph like game play
[15:00] Meph in
[15:00] [GoD]spinnimini> er kommt und sieht es
[15:00] [OP]pressive_clown> https://www.twitch.tv/poptb_babo
[15:00] washedUp_tsi> you cant attack normally
[15:00] washedUp_tsi> you need fire storms
[15:00] washedUp_tsi> to get in or do damage
[15:00] [OP]pressive_clown> its not that
[15:00] Lovenji_OP> Well
[15:00] washedUp_tsi> so camping
[15:00] [OP]pressive_clown> its the shaman chase and camping
[15:00] [OP]pressive_clown> thats the annoying part of the gameplay
[15:00] washedUp_tsi> yeah!! trading is so risky
[15:00] washedUp_tsi> water deaths
[15:00] washedUp_tsi> i hate it myself
[15:00] Lovenji_OP> Feel free to speak up and support my change proposal
[15:00] Lovenji_OP> :>
[15:00] washedUp_tsi> but its only natural
[15:00] Meph> what proposal?
[15:01] washedUp_tsi> i 100% agree with you about the way ppl play now
[15:01] jammy> gg
[15:01] Cyborg> gg
[15:01] Cyborg> we did this together
[15:01] jammy> wp all
[15:01] Lovenji_OP> Pushing needs a formal investigation, same as we did for s-clicking, Blasts need fixing, and spinning requires analysis. Pop should be 200 by default and let people change it to unlimited manually if they want to fuck around
[15:02] washedUp_tsi> that sounds good to me
[15:02] [AsG]Ralimurr> That would be nice
[15:02] Unpredictable> +1
[15:02] [SW]Fried_Rice> what u want me to do if u bd
[15:02] Unpredictable> insta game
[15:02] [SW]Fried_Rice> just stand around?
[15:02] JJaydenn_TSI> pop 200 by default 4 noobs
[15:02] Meph> totally agree, except the 200 pop
[15:02] Unpredictable> if someone gets over 200 pop he must not do anything
[15:02] [SW]Fried_Rice> i dont want to chase shamans all day but i dont need to bd if we're winning
[15:02] washedUp_tsi> 200+ pop default just encourages over expansion and camping lol
[15:02] Meph> you can already limit it
[15:03] Lovenji_OP> Yeah and you can manually unlimit it
[15:03] Lovenji_OP> It should reflect the same core rules that 1.01 uses
[15:03] Lovenji_OP> not change the balance on a whim
[15:03] Unpredictable> max buildings
[15:03] Unpredictable> and max towers
[15:03] Unpredictable> :nice:
[15:03] Meph> how does 200+ pop encourage camping?
[15:03] washedUp_tsi> you wont attack as early as you otherwise would
[15:03] Meph> you actually punish the player with the map control by limiting pop
[15:04] Meph> making it easier to camp
[15:04] Meph> if you camp, i expand my whole front for example on pp
[15:04] Meph> and build 10 huts there
[15:04] washedUp_tsi> never saw you do that
[15:04] Meph> ?
[15:04] Meph> connect your side with mid
[15:04] Meph> build there
[15:04] Meph> my go to against campers
[15:04] Lovenji_OP> Well personally, from what I've seen and you're free to say that's just because I'm shit
[15:05] Lovenji_OP> Certain Firewarrior ranks like to not engage with the game at all until they can cast FS like tornados
[15:05] washedUp_tsi> more pop is not the answer, more attacking is
[15:05] JJaydenn_TSI> u mean zp lol
[15:05] washedUp_tsi> more resources doesnt make for better game play
[15:05] washedUp_tsi> you already have plenty
[15:06] [SW]Fried_Rice> i wouldnt say i was camping
[15:06] Meph> 200+ pop punishes camping if you ask me
[15:06] washedUp_tsi> limited resources = more interesting
[15:06] [SW]Fried_Rice> at least not intensionally
[15:06] [SW]Fried_Rice> unless u count me waiting at bd camping
[15:06] Lovenji_OP> I just don't think the cost/efficacy of Firestorm was never meant to support going above 200 pop
[15:06] Lovenji_OP> 40 seconds of no troop response vs a 32 second charge
[15:07] Meph> the wholes game concept was built on 199 pop anyway
[15:07] Lovenji_OP> Well that's why I think that should be the default
[15:07] Lovenji_OP> and then you manually change it to unlimited if you want to dick around
[15:07] Lovenji_OP> But it's just my thoughts, I always welcome criticism
[15:07] JJaydenn_TSI> if ur able to get above 200 then why not
[15:08] Meph> I don't feel like there is any constructice criticism to that, only personal preference
[15:08] Lovenji_OP> Fair
[15:08] Meph> *constructive
[15:08] JJaydenn_TSI> yoo +1
[15:08] Lovenji_OP> I wouldn't say the building limit should be back, so you can still overbuild and make dropping below 200 pop hard, but it's the amount of mana players get access to that affects the balance
[15:09] Meph> but still, people earned that 200+ pop in some way
[15:09] Lovenji_OP> I dunno, maybe scripting some stuff up and getting some numbers is worthwhile
[15:09] Lovenji_OP> Some people do, some don't
[15:09] Meph> who didn't?
[15:09] Meph> people that camp?
[15:09] washedUp_tsi> Who cares if they earned it? We just want to encourage fun and exciting gameplay
[15:09] Lovenji_OP> I'm thinking like, your back base in walls
[15:09] washedUp_tsi> and 200+ pop doesnt do that
[15:09] Lovenji_OP> they just get 250 pop as their base
[15:10] [GoD]spinnimini> Unpredictable + [GoD]spinnimini + washedUp_tsi + [SW]Fried_Rice vs. [AsG]mentix + Meph + JJaydenn_TSI + RessurectioN_TAS
[15:10] JJaydenn_TSI> not often that happens tho
[15:10] Meph> if they are unharmed for a certain period of time to get to 250 pop, it's still their achievement
[15:10] JJaydenn_TSI> ^^
[15:10] JJaydenn_TSI> clearly other team is shit if that is happening
[15:10] RessurectioN_TAS> sec
[15:10] Meph> they might have defended supremely or sacrificied their front bases
[15:10] RessurectioN_TAS> reloging
[15:10] Lovenji_OP> I agree on a map like PP, but walls doesn't play like that next to ever
[15:10] RessurectioN_TAS out
[15:10] Meph> there is always some effort in it
[15:11] RessurectioN_TAS in
[15:11] Meph> [16:09] washedUp_tsi> Who cares if they earned it? We just want to encourage fun and exciting gameplay [16:09] washedUp_tsi> and 200+ pop doesnt do that <--- personal preference, shouldn't generalise that
[15:11] Lovenji_OP> It's divisive enough to say it needs a vote either way
[15:12] Plan3tFall out
[15:12] JJaydenn_TSI> if ur gonna cap 200 pop then u might aswell cap the buildings
[15:12] washedUp_tsi> Its absolutely true, having access to a huge amoutn of mana doesnt make for an interesting attack
[15:12] washedUp_tsi> its just an overwhelming force that cant be stopped
[15:12] washedUp_tsi> no one can objectively say that is exciting gameplay
[15:12] Lovenji_OP> The buildings don't affect the balance of the game, the buildings were capped because of an Object Limitation
[15:12] JJaydenn_TSI> beta is new version stop trying to overlay 1.1 into it
[15:12] washedUp_tsi> where the outcome is pre determined
[15:13] JJaydenn_TSI> lets goo
[15:13] Meph> it's not like you get high pop for free, you gotta sacrifice something for it e.g. allies/map control/...
[15:13] Lovenji_OP> The factual point is, the mana calculations versus spell balance are off when you go above 200 pop
[15:13] Lovenji_OP> Now you either like that or don't
[15:13] [SW]Fried_Rice> go?
[15:14] Meph> but if people were so intent on playing 200 pop max, why did no one EVER mention it up to now?
[15:14] Meph> first time I am hearing that, but might just be a coincidence
[15:14] [AsG]mentix> the removed cap doesnt really bother me
[15:14] Lovenji_OP> It's been mentioned a few times
[15:15] Meph> never saw any one asking the host for it
[15:15] Lovenji_OP> Mentix said something very interesting that had me reflecting on it, maybe 2 or so weeks ago
[15:15] [AsG]mentix> oh whats that
[15:15] Lovenji_OP> which is about affecting game balance vs just fixing issues
[15:15] [SW]Fried_Rice> i dont think rod is here
[15:15] Unpredictable> im bhack
[15:15] Unpredictable> was getting more beer
[15:15] Unpredictable> but now im back
[15:15] Lovenji_OP> You should really consider game balance changes with a lot more care
[15:15] Unpredictable> :bee:
[15:15] Unpredictable> :beer:
[15:15] [AsG]mentix> i think it was fury who said that
[15:15] [SW]Fried_Rice> some good ol pp?
[15:16] Lovenji_OP> Oh
[15:16] Lovenji_OP> Lol
[15:16] Unpredictable> spots ok?
[15:16] [AsG]mentix> all i care about by heart is hotkeys though lol
[15:16] [AsG]mentix> and missing spells
[15:16] Lovenji_OP> LOL
[15:16] Meph> hotkeys are exceptionally good
[15:16] Lovenji_OP> You using hotkeys now MentiX?
[15:16] [AsG]mentix> ive always been doing that in 1.5
[15:16] Lovenji_OP> I think it's a good change
[15:16] washedUp_tsi> BIG MAMMY
[15:17] Lovenji_OP> But I'm a starcraft player, so Hotkeys are in my blood
[15:17] [AsG]mentix> hotkeys are part of every rts game
[15:17] [AsG]mentix> moving the mouse to the side all the time doesnt make sense
[15:17] [OP]pressive_clown out
[15:17] Mammy_Tas> gg :O
[15:17] xtro> diablo 2 ressurected its very fine
[15:17] Meph> have never played a beta game where someone limited pop, so I think it's just another extra click you need to make when you implement it as standard
[15:17] Power_OP> gg wp
[15:18] Meph> (to unlimit it)
[15:18] Lovenji_OP> Bianca limits pop when she hosts sometimes
[15:18] Lovenji_OP> I've started doing it
[15:18] [AsG]mentix> wildies reappearing should be defaulted to off imo
[15:18] Lovenji_OP> Well that's a 1.01 feature that some people (Babo) quite like
[15:18] [OP]pressive_clown> sry power not my day
[15:18] Lovenji_OP> he likes trading and then coming back through the convert
[15:18] [SW]Fried_Rice> i like wildies coming back
[15:19] [OP]pressive_clown> done for today
[15:19] Power_OP> NO problem
[15:19] bockwurstlaune> sry babo
[15:19] Power_OP> bad games today as well
[15:19] [GoD]spinnimini> wait for jjay
[15:19] Lovenji_OP> But I personally try to pay attention to what players feel, these discussions are healthy imo
[15:19] bockwurstlaune out
[15:19] Meph> mammy owning?
[15:19] Meph> nice
[15:19] Lovenji_OP> If it's something people feel strongly enough about, I nag Inca
[15:19] Unpredictable> big mammy
[15:19] washedUp_tsi> he dominated the helll out of the other team
[15:19] Mammy_Tas> owning? :eyes: ?
[15:19] washedUp_tsi> mammy wants that shammy rank back
[15:20] [AvA]TristanFR in
[15:21] Mammy_Tas> This was a team effort I dont take all the credit lol
[15:21] [OP]pressive_clown in
[15:21] [OP]pressive_clown out
[15:21] [OP]pressive_clown in
[15:24] Cyborg> power
[15:24] Power_OP> ?
[15:24] Cyborg> pharaoh doesnt have ping
[15:24] Power_OP> i see
[15:24] [Rw]Carycyn out
[15:25] Power_OP> u host it
[15:25] Lovenji_OP> Wow Alan just dipped on me
[15:25] Lovenji_OP> Rood
[15:25] [Rw]Carycyn in
[15:25] Cyborg> i cant host
[15:25] Cyborg> im from an island in the middle of nowhere lol
[15:25] [Rw]Carycyn out
[15:25] [Rw]Carycyn in
[15:26] [AvA]Pharaoh out
[15:26] [AvA]Pharaoh in
[15:26] Cyborg> brb gettin coffee
[15:26] cccp> what map ?
[15:27] Power_OP> you chose
[15:27] Cyborg> wals
[15:29] Power_OP> https://www.twitch.tv/power_op_
[15:30] [AvA]noobITA in
[15:32] Cyborg> kk
[15:32] Cyborg> fair teams
[15:32] Cyborg> finallly
[15:32] Power_OP> ilets go like that
[15:32] Power_OP> he is afk
[15:32] Power_OP> anyway
[15:32] Cyborg> ok
[15:32] [OP]pressive_clown> any 1v1
[15:33] [Rw]Carycyn> me
[15:33] Power_OP> i would do
[15:33] Cyborg> .
[15:33] Power_OP> but asked too alte
[15:33] Cyborg> :)
[15:33] Power_OP> lets go ccp
[15:33] Power_OP> whtas wrong with people today
[15:33] Cyborg> what does cccp meanÐ?
[15:33] Power_OP> so little o rq
[15:33] lysander28 in
[15:33] Power_OP> https://www.twitch.tv/power_op_
[15:34] [Rw]Jops in
[15:34] [Rw]Jops> yess back to a brave
[15:36] Power_OP> go babo my last game
[15:36] [AvA]noobITA> LOL
[15:36] [AvA]noobITA> unfair that
[15:36] Power_OP> done with all that shit
[15:36] [AvA]noobITA> so ez
[15:36] Cyborg> did we got points?
[15:37] [AvA]noobITA> ofc
[15:37] [AvA]noobITA> lol
[15:37] Cyborg> noob
[15:37] [AvA]noobITA> no ossur
[15:37] Cyborg> prove to me that you are not a noob
[15:37] Cyborg> join
[15:37] [AvA]noobITA> almost beated bock
[15:37] [AvA]noobITA> in 1v1
[15:37] [AvA]Pharaoh> 3v33
[15:37] [AvA]noobITA> i crashed
[15:37] Cyborg> tristan
[15:37] Cyborg> open spots
[15:37] Cyborg> for 3v3
[15:38] [AvA]noobITA> bockwurstelane
[15:38] [AvA]Pharaoh> dw it's ok
[15:38] [AvA]Pharaoh> you have a gg
[15:38] Cyborg> ;(
[15:38] [AvA]noobITA> tristan afk
[15:39] Cyborg> according to our pings, i have iq of 57 and pharaoh has an iq of 96
[15:39] Cyborg> makes sense.
[15:39] Cyborg> lol
[15:39] [AvA]noobITA> me 200
[15:39] [AvA]noobITA> so gg
[15:39] Cyborg> no you 1
[15:39] [AvA]noobITA> no 0
[15:39] [AvA]noobITA> man
[15:39] Cyborg> :P man?
[15:39] [Rw]Jops> man if you guys made that 8 player
[15:39] [AvA]noobITA> ure man
[15:39] [Rw]Jops> we could probs squeeze our butts in there
[15:39] Cyborg> no
[15:39] Cyborg> i like men
[15:39] Cyborg> but im a woman
[15:39] [AvA]noobITA> so ur pussy
[15:39] [AvA]noobITA> ohhhhh
[15:39] [AvA]Pharaoh> ur a woman cyborg?
[15:39] Cyborg> yes
[15:40] [AvA]noobITA> troll
[15:40] [AvA]Pharaoh> damn
[15:40] [AvA]noobITA> damn u asked to be with me in love kek
[15:40] [AvA]Pharaoh> nice pop skills
[15:40] [AvA]noobITA> times ago
[15:40] [AvA]TristanFR> go
[15:40] Cyborg> when i wasnt on drugs
[15:40] Cyborg> i was a good mathematician
[15:40] Lovenji_OP> Launch your game. spare us the idiocy
[15:40] [AvA]noobITA> [AvA]noobITA + [AvA]Pharaoh + cccp vs. Cyborg + [D]Joseph + [AvA]TristanFR
[15:41] Cyborg> i need daily dose of drugs
[15:41] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[15:41] [D]Joseph> make me front
[15:41] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[15:41] Meph> questionable bd
[15:41] lysander28 out
[15:41] [SW]Fried_Rice> cool now maybe i get a normal pp game
[15:42] Cyborg> .
[15:42] Mammy_Tas> pp for a change :kekw: ?
[15:44] washedUp_tsi> +++++++++++3
[15:44] washedUp_tsi> +++++++++++++++2
[15:44] Unpredictable out
[15:44] [D]Joseph out
[15:45] [D]Joseph in
[15:45] [AvA]Pharaoh> cyborg is ossur?
[15:45] [AvA]noobITA> y
[15:45] Cyborg> no ossur is cyborg
[15:45] [AvA]Pharaoh> ohhhh
[15:45] Cyborg> ;D
[15:45] [D]Joseph> happened after i turned off legacy mouse
[15:45] [AvA]Pharaoh> wp last game
[15:45] [D]Joseph> how do i stop that from turning on
[15:45] Cyborg> thanks
[15:45] [D]Joseph> every game
[15:45] Cyborg> but you played better
[15:45] Cyborg> against jammy
[15:45] [D]Joseph> i want it never on
[15:45] RessurectioN_TAS out
[15:45] Cyborg> going out for a walk is so healthy
[15:45] Cyborg> for body and soul
[15:45] RessurectioN_TAS in
[15:46] [GoD]spinnimini> meph bella go up
[15:46] [GoD]spinnimini> 2v2
[15:46] Cyborg> i live in a zoo
[15:46] Cyborg> in a tent
[15:46] Cyborg> so i know those things
[15:46] [AvA]noobITA> vitamin
[15:46] [AvA]noobITA> solar energy 1st energy for health
[15:47] Cyborg> 3v3
[15:47] Cyborg> i dont play 4v4
[15:47] [AvA]noobITA> pussy
[15:47] [AvA]noobITA> why ossur
[15:47] Cyborg> go play 3v3
[15:47] Cyborg> allways someone who quits
[15:47] Cyborg> ok
[15:47] Cyborg> i will
[15:48] Cyborg> just not yggratom
[15:48] [D]Joseph> go 3v3
[15:48] Cyborg> hmmm
[15:48] [AvA]noobITA> lol
[15:48] [AvA]noobITA> jops
[15:48] [Rw]Jops> :D
[15:49] Cyborg> take my place
[15:49] Cyborg> jops
[15:49] [AvA]noobITA> +1
[15:49] Cyborg> kk
[15:49] Power_OP> gg
[15:49] Power_OP> wp
[15:49] [OP]pressive_clown> gg
[15:49] FreeInca in
[15:49] Cyborg out
[15:50] Cyborg in
[15:50] [AvA]noobITA> wtf spiot opens it self
[15:50] [AvA]noobITA> spots
[15:50] [D]Joseph> rejoin
[15:52] xtro out
[15:54] [D]ClownConcern in
[15:54] [GoD]spinnimini> chichis
[15:54] [GoD]spinnimini> alia ice t
[15:54] [GoD]spinnimini> es un jugador muy bueno
[15:54] [GoD]spinnimini> podeis ganar
[15:54] [GoD]spinnimini> juntos
[15:55] [AsG]mentix> big linguist
[15:55] FreeInca> I'll play in a while, I'm having breakfast
[15:55] [GoD]spinnimini> have a nice breakfast
[15:55] [GoD]spinnimini> and good morning
[15:55] FreeInca> :*
[15:55] washedUp_tsi> what u having
[15:55] washedUp_tsi> cake?
[15:55] [AsG]mentix> he doesnt live in america
[15:58] [GoD]spinnimini> phillip ich weiss nciht wieso sie wie spastis spielen
[15:59] [GoD]spinnimini> schau mich an ich hab null strategie und run pop ihr wichser
[15:59] [GoD]spinnimini> halt die schnauze
[15:59] [GoD]spinnimini> und sende meine ganze pop damit ihr sie toetet und ich weniger mana habe
[16:00] [GoD]spinnimini> aber in dem walls spiel heute als du schlucken musstest sah man dir an dass du muede bist
[16:04] [D]ClownConcern out
[16:05] Garbageman in
[16:06] [D]ClownConcern in
[16:06] [D]ClownConcern> :monkas:
[16:09] [AsG]Godzilla in
[16:10] Power_OP> i ally lowest rank ofc i try to carry him
[16:11] Power_OP> what do you want me to stay front and get lighted?
[16:11] [Rw]Jops> and i appreciate you
[16:11] Lovenji_OP> I know you're upset babo bashed you like it's your first game in pop but joining a noob game and sweating harder than T-Rod is boring
[16:11] Power_OP> man
[16:11] Lovenji_OP> I didn't wait 30 minutes for you to repair your fragile ego
[16:12] Power_OP> lol
[16:12] [Rw]Jops> but tbf until Alan sided me I was joint second in pop
[16:12] Power_OP> LOL loenji
[16:12] Power_OP> as if i care about losing
[16:12] [Rw]Jops> tbf lovenji babo did sweat us harder than that
[16:12] Power_OP> i always do 1v1 with nici babo and others and lose
[16:12] Lovenji_OP> what you bitching about
[16:12] Lovenji_OP> you got to ally him
[16:12] Power_OP> but we all know that you join ally babo to noob bash many times
[16:13] Lovenji_OP> And you'd have won that Sess game if you didn't instantly give upo
[16:13] Power_OP> better just block me so i wont join your games
[16:13] [Rw]Jops> lol no i wouldnt? I had 20 pop that whole game and carried on building
[16:13] Power_OP> and losing doesnt make damage my ego
[16:13] Power_OP> at all
[16:13] Lovenji_OP> #Sure
[16:13] [Rw]Jops> i'm not bitching, but harsh to call someone a sweat given the slew of games with babo friday
[16:14] FreeInca> RED SHAMAN
[16:14] [Rw]Jops> if you arent going to bitch him out for it then its harsh to do it to power
[16:14] Lovenji_OP> the slew of games you got to ally him in
[16:14] Aldwyc in
[16:14] Power_OP> naa
[16:14] Power_OP> he cannot do it for bbao cause it s his basher ally
[16:14] Power_OP> but ofc he does me
[16:14] Lovenji_OP> lol
[16:14] Power_OP> dw
[16:14] Power_OP> that was all been like that so idc anyway
[16:14] Power_OP> well played jobs
[16:14] [Rw]Jops> I allied him in 1 game and it was the first one lol
[16:14] Power_OP> cyl
[16:14] Power_OP out
[16:15] Lovenji_OP> 2
[16:15] Lovenji_OP> Central Dogma and Sess
[16:15] Lovenji_OP> so of course you were enjoying yourself
[16:15] [Rw]Jops> 2nd one we didnt finish so doesnt count
[16:15] Lovenji_OP> Yes it does
[16:16] Lovenji_OP> we only didn't finish it because of your siberia host
[16:16] [Rw]Jops> then I had him in my lane on PP and had you on walls
[16:16] Aldwyc out
[16:16] Aldwyc in
[16:16] Lovenji_OP> Yeah and I was against Spyro + Garbage man as small base with no towers because they were all facing my ally
[16:17] Lovenji_OP> So that game was just as hard for me
[16:19] Lovenji_OP> And if you didn't notice, I did give babo shit for that walls game and making it unfun, I almost always give babo shit for playing sweater than a bus driver in july
[16:19] Lovenji_OP> Sweatier*
[16:20] ClownParty in
[16:20] Garbageman out
[16:20] Garbageman in
[16:21] [Rw]Jops> he's very sweaty
[16:21] Lovenji_OP> He's absolutely sweaty
[16:22] [AsG]mentix> i can hear the sweat dripping through discord sometimes
[16:22] Lovenji_OP> I play with him because he's my friend
[16:22] power_OP> man whats wrong trying hard
[16:22] power_OP> i always try hard any game
[16:22] Luxray in
[16:22] power_OP> u know that already
[16:22] ClownParty> popopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopo
[16:22] ClownParty> pop 3
[16:22] adray_tsi out
[16:22] Lovenji_OP> Just like we play League, Payday and Sea of Thieves
[16:22] [Rw]Jops> dw power its not you
[16:23] [Rw]Jops> just sucks being shit lol
[16:23] [Rw]Jops> we need to play the Noobita's of the world
[16:23] [AvA]TristanFR out
[16:23] Lovenji_OP> Oh no it's definitely him afaic
[16:24] ClownParty> imagine people actually trying to play 8p mini games
[16:24] Lovenji_OP> At least with Meph, Mentix, Spin, Babo, other pros you lose by them being better on the front
[16:24] Lovenji_OP> Power just budget T-Rod, and I give him the same shit I give T-Rod
[16:24] [Rw]Jops> t-rod is the worst
[16:24] Lovenji_OP> It's not fun losing because you've been sided, backdoored and everything 20 minutes in
[16:24] [Rw]Jops> lose by them being better on the front, as long as they dont cast light1
[16:24] Lovenji_OP> EQ spam front, Side, Then Backdoor
[16:24] zero8667 in
[16:25] power_OP> whats wrong with bd
[16:25] power_OP> its like using lights, you chose that strategy i chose to use lb
[16:25] power_OP> if u cant hadble its yournproblem
[16:25] [AvA]noobITA out
[16:25] ClownParty> chill guys itsjust a video game on ur monitor
[16:25] Unpredictable in
[16:25] ClownParty> wtf
[16:25] [AsG]mentix> quite a lot of mana goes into a backdoor though so take advantage of it by pressuring front
[16:25] [AvA]noobITA in
[16:25] power_OP> nope
[16:25] power_OP> need some drama
[16:25] ClownParty> :(
[16:26] Unpredictable> wow where u need drama
[16:26] [Rw]Jops> tbf you guys were on the edge of doing me some real damage
[16:27] power_OP> naa they just want me to stand there and dovnot play
[16:27] power_OP> i dont understand
[16:27] Tamaldas in
[16:27] Saphire17 in
[16:28] [OP]pressive_clown> [17:12] [Rw]Jops> tbf lovenji babo did sweat us harder than that
[16:28] [OP]pressive_clown> ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????
[16:28] [OP]pressive_clown> bro i literally sat back
[16:28] [Rw]Jops> you know what you did
[16:28] [Rw]Jops> you sweaty sweaty boy
[16:28] [OP]pressive_clown> holy shit if you think thats sweating
[16:28] Zpektrix_TAS out
[16:28] [OP]pressive_clown> you should play me in a tourney
[16:28] Lovenji_OP> IDK what is going on in the MM today Babo
[16:28] [Rw]Jops> i oculd taste it
[16:28] Lovenji_OP> someone touched a Thermostat
[16:28] [OP]pressive_clown> yeah man
[16:28] [OP]pressive_clown> i stg
[16:28] [Rw]Carycyn out
[16:28] [OP]pressive_clown> everyone on his period today
[16:28] Zpektrix_TAS in
[16:28] ClownParty> i want to touch thermostat too
[16:28] [Rw]Jops> lol why you agreeing babo
[16:28] [Rw]Jops> Lovenji agreed you were sweaty
[16:29] Zpektrix_TAS out
[16:29] [Rw]Jops> he said and i quote
[16:29] Zpektrix_TAS in
[16:29] [Rw]Carycyn in
[16:29] Lovenji_OP> He is sweaty
[16:29] Lovenji_OP> I said he's sweatier than a Bus Driver in July
[16:29] [Rw]Carycyn out
[16:29] Lovenji_OP> And I'll say it again while he's here
[16:29] [Rw]Carycyn in
[16:29] Saphire17 out
[16:29] [Rw]Jops> thank you
[16:29] Tamaldas out
[16:29] Lovenji_OP> Because I don't care, Babo knows I think he's sweaty
[16:29] [Rw]Jops> babo you just catching strays today
[16:29] [AsG]mentix> u doing fo trod?
[16:29] Lovenji_OP> Doesn't make me right
[16:30] [Rw]Jops> isn't it ironic t-rod goes by unpredictable
[16:30] Lovenji_OP> There's an entire class of players better than me because I don't know shit
[16:30] [Rw]Jops> and yet, everyone knwos he backdoors instantly
[16:30] [Rw]Jops> should be called Predictable_BD
[16:30] [AsG]mentix> im guessing he chose the nick because everyone called him predictable
[16:31] Lovenji_OP> #Irony
[16:31] [OP]pressive_clown> lol people think im sweaty, its called consistency
[16:31] Unpredictable> omg full
[16:31] [Rw]Carycyn> jammy x ping
[16:31] [Rw]Jops> he doesnt strike me as someone who can grasp the concept of irony
[16:31] Unpredictable> no mentix
[16:31] jammy> relogging
[16:31] jammy out
[16:31] Unpredictable> nobody do fo
[16:31] [OP]pressive_clown> not my fault you guys have a skill range of 200 points
[16:31] [Rw]Raver> fo is the best map
[16:31] Lovenji_OP> At the end of the day, it's not fun to be low skilled and bashed by Babo
[16:31] [Rw]Raver> let's all play fo
[16:31] jammy in
[16:31] Lovenji_OP> But
[16:31] Lovenji_OP> It happens
[16:32] [OP]pressive_clown> yes i can agree with that and i understand that
[16:32] [Rw]Jops> babo sounds like an a sexual assaulter now
[16:32] [OP]pressive_clown> but i always play the same all games, unles sits a tourney game
[16:32] [Rw]Jops> "you guys were asking for it"
[16:32] Unpredictable> cccp join
[16:32] [Rw]Jops> "its what you were wearing"
[16:32] FreeInca> i ally red shaman trod
[16:32] [Rw]Raver> lol
[16:32] [Rw]Jops> "not my fault you asked for it"
[16:32] Lovenji_OP> Everyone says Babo is my bashing budy
[16:32] Lovenji_OP> but I had 440 games against him
[16:32] adray_tsi in
[16:32] Lovenji_OP> So I face him just as often
[16:32] [OP]pressive_clown> dont you dare come here with arguments
[16:32] Unpredictable> isnt that expactly what bashing buddy means
[16:32] ClownParty> babo has power of the rocks on his side
[16:33] ClownParty> :andesite:
[16:33] [Rw]Jops> crack rocks?
[16:33] [OP]pressive_clown> :diorite:
[16:33] Unpredictable> freinca
[16:33] Unpredictable> freeinca update
[16:33] Kayin in
[16:33] christo0972 in
[16:33] ClownParty> also remember
[16:33] [Rw]Jops> the 21st night of september
[16:33] [OP]pressive_clown> jops we should 1v1 ill play like its a tourney, ill show you what sweat is
[16:33] Kayin out
[16:33] ClownParty> fill your holes !!!!
[16:33] Kayin in
[16:33] ClownParty> make good defense
[16:33] FreeInca> Updating Language Files...
[16:33] [Rw]Jops> yeah we totally should man that sounds really fun
[16:33] [OP]pressive_clown> stfu then
[16:33] [Rw]Jops> like a really good use of my time on a game
[16:33] Unpredictable> relog as admin
[16:33] Unpredictable> and retry
[16:34] [Rw]Jops> classic assaulter babo
[16:34] [Rw]Jops> watch out ladies babo is out tonight
[16:34] FreeInca> [47] Cannot open file "https://files.matak.net/maps/ConstantWorlds-4.1.zip
[16:34] [Rw]Jops> "i can get real sweaty"
[16:34] Cyborg> lol jops
[16:34] [Rw]Raver> "i'm a rapist"
[16:34] [Rw]Raver> heard him say that
[16:34] Cyborg> thats bad
[16:34] [Rw]Jops> he did say that raver!!
[16:34] [Rw]Jops> as if he admitted it in the mm
[16:34] [OP]pressive_clown> i think i could take on you RW noobs 3v1
[16:34] [OP]pressive_clown> 8p PP
[16:35] FreeInca out
[16:35] FreeInca in
[16:35] Lovenji_OP> Why 8p, what's wrong with 4p
[16:35] [Rw]Jops> [17:12] [OP]pressive_clown> i'm a rapist
[16:35] [Rw]Jops> :o
[16:35] Meph> the fuck is going on
[16:35] Mammy_Tas> gg
[16:35] [Rw]Raver> he really did say it
[16:35] [Rw]Raver> wow
[16:35] JJaydenn_TSI> gg
[16:35] [Rw]Raver> yeah that's confirmed
[16:35] Lovenji_OP> Told you, someone touched a thermostat
[16:35] Unpredictable> gimme small base btw
[16:35] [Rw]Jops> i mean i can't believe it, but its right there
[16:35] [AsG]mentix> lol nice abandoning trod
[16:35] Lovenji_OP> everyone is pissed off
[16:35] Lovenji_OP> even me
[16:35] Unpredictable> sry mentix
[16:35] [Rw]Raver> who can host decent
[16:35] [Rw]Raver> ?
[16:35] [AsG]mentix> i wasnt in the hut
[16:36] Meph> you guys need to chill
[16:36] Meph> pop is such a beautiful game
[16:36] Unpredictable> it was unpredictable
[16:36] Meph> enjoy it
[16:36] Unpredictable> wasnt it
[16:36] [AsG]mentix> very
[16:36] [Rw]Jops> meph we just quoting what babo said
[16:36] [Rw]Jops> im as horrified as the rest of you
[16:36] Lovenji_OP> Telling people who are angry to calm down
[16:36] Lovenji_OP> never works
[16:36] [Rw]Jops> we should all shun him
[16:36] [Rw]Raver> [Rw]Jops: can you host
[16:36] [Rw]Jops> I cna but it wil be baaaad
[16:36] [GoD]spinnimini> Meph + [AsG]mentix + Unpredictable + Zpektrix_TAS vs. [GoD]spinnimini + washedUp_tsi + Kayin + FreeInca
[16:36] [GoD]spinnimini> koennen wir mioxen
[16:36] [GoD]spinnimini> das geht so nicht
[16:36] [Rw]Raver> i can try but it might be bad
[16:36] Unpredictable> put me small base
[16:36] [GoD]spinnimini> durch Zoll
[16:36] [Rw]Raver> but also might be good
[16:36] JJaydenn_TSI> telling a bird to calm down when shes pissed off at u is the best thing ever
[16:36] [AsG]mentix> thats not same best as me lol
[16:36] Meph> it would work if the angered people would take a mental step back, analyse the situation and see how ridiculous it is to be upset
[16:36] Cyborg> babo is a good guy man
[16:36] [Rw]Jops> you're right, and thats another thing babo should do
[16:37] Cyborg> leave him be ;(
[16:37] [GoD]spinnimini> diff teams
[16:37] [OP]pressive_clown> lool
[16:37] [OP]pressive_clown> meph ich liebe das wenn du so sachlich wirst
[16:37] [Rw]Jops> hey Cyborg I thought so too!
[16:37] [Rw]Carycyn> can we please play a game
[16:37] Meph> Meph + [AsG]mentix + Unpredictable + Zpektrix_TAS vs. [GoD]spinnimini + washedUp_tsi + Kayin + FreeInca
[16:37] [Rw]Raver> do you guys want to risk me hosting? i've never hosted here
[16:37] [Rw]Raver> it could be good though
[16:37] [AsG]mentix> i got that best to
[16:37] [Rw]Raver> but
[16:37] [Rw]Jops> sure
[16:37] [Rw]Raver> also
[16:37] [Rw]Raver> not
[16:37] Meph> spitting facts babo
[16:37] Lovenji_OP> Babo x Meph
[16:37] Lovenji_OP> the new MM power couple
[16:37] christo0972 out
[16:37] Meph> es umzusetzen ist wieder eine andere sache
[16:37] christo0972 in
[16:38] Meph> that "name X name" thing usually indicates some hentai stuff
[16:38] [OP]pressive_clown> ok und jetzt halt die schnauze und fang mal endlich an zu streamen
[16:38] Meph> spin wer groß?
[16:38] Lovenji_OP> That was the joke, Meph
[16:38] Lovenji_OP> correct
[16:39] RessurectioN_TAS out
[16:39] [GoD]spinnimini> andere teamns
[16:39] [GoD]spinnimini> das wird nichts
[16:39] [GoD]spinnimini> diff teams
[16:39] [GoD]spinnimini> seid ihr bescheuert
[16:39] [GoD]spinnimini> lmao
[16:40] Meph> pussy
[16:40] Meph> sonst immer best machen
[16:40] [GoD]spinnimini> weil es immer passte
[16:40] [GoD]spinnimini> sieht man doch ist doch logisch
[16:40] Meph> LOL
[16:40] [GoD]spinnimini> lmao
[16:40] [AvA]Soma- in
[16:40] [AsG]mentix> speak english
[16:40] [AsG]mentix> so we can laugh along
[16:40] [OP]pressive_clown> alter
[16:40] [GoD]spinnimini> Meph + [AsG]mentix + washedUp_tsi + FreeInca vs. [GoD]spinnimini + [OP]pressive_clown + Zpektrix_TAS + Kayin
[16:40] [Rw]Jops> mentix I dont think we want to know what they are saying
[16:40] [GoD]spinnimini> das geht wenn willst
[16:40] Meph> https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=496138
[16:40] Meph> war das auch logisch?
[16:41] [Rw]Jops> last time a bunch of germans got together it didnt end well
[16:41] Meph> Meph + [AsG]mentix + washedUp_tsi + FreeInca vs. [GoD]spinnimini + [OP]pressive_clown + Zpektrix_TAS + Kayin
[16:41] [GoD]spinnimini> hä na klar
[16:41] [GoD]spinnimini> du hattest trod
[16:41] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[16:41] [GoD]spinnimini> ?
[16:41] Meph> bist du bescheuert?
[16:41] [GoD]spinnimini> ??
[16:41] [GoD]spinnimini> du hattest rod
[16:41] Unpredictable> :PEPEDOOR:
[16:41] [GoD]spinnimini> und chichis
[16:41] [GoD]spinnimini> wir tsu
[16:42] [Rw]Jops> might need to re-jump the hut
[16:42] [Rw]Raver> i don't know what that means
[16:42] [Rw]Jops> I just made it up
[16:44] [GoD]spinnimini> das zb geht
[16:44] [OP]pressive_clown> https://www.twitch.tv/poptb_babo
[16:46] [AvA]noobITA out
[16:49] zero8667 out
[16:50] zero8667 in
[16:52] Garbageman out
[16:58] Plan3tFall in
[17:09] Mowgli in
[17:17] FreeInca out
[17:17] FreeInca in
[17:18] Meph> ggwp
[17:18] Zpektrix_TAS> gg wp
[17:18] FreeInca> send me to attack not to camp
[17:18] Zpektrix_TAS> babo's swimming school
[17:18] FreeInca> nub
[17:18] Zpektrix_TAS> i didn't miss that from world view
[17:18] [OP]pressive_clown> wtf u mean
[17:18] Zpektrix_TAS> :o
[17:18] [OP]pressive_clown> you went to double a non open base, when i had 1 intact tower
[17:19] [OP]pressive_clown> whats this decision making?
[17:19] [GoD]spinnimini> brb phone
[17:19] Zpektrix_TAS> we won anyway
[17:19] FreeInca> u angry all time
[17:19] [AsG]mentix> brb
[17:19] [OP]pressive_clown> yes
[17:19] [OP]pressive_clown> you dont use your brain enough
[17:19] FreeInca> you are the only one who gets angry
[17:19] Zpektrix_TAS> at least i killed green shaman 3 times
[17:20] Zpektrix_TAS> it helped our ally's side
[17:20] [OP]pressive_clown> https://clips.twitch.tv/SolidZanyDogGivePLZ-KoFqfL-21tMBuPfG
[17:20] Zpektrix_TAS> even meph could go there
[17:20] merciless1 in
[17:20] Zpektrix_TAS> see
[17:20] Zpektrix_TAS> swimming school
[17:20] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[17:20] [D]PeepoClown in
[17:20] FreeInca> you commit suicide alone and do gg
[17:20] FreeInca> :lol:
[17:20] [OP]pressive_clown> game was over anyways
[17:20] [OP]pressive_clown> lol
[17:21] Zpektrix_TAS> yes
[17:21] JJaydenn_TSI> thought expands only do that 2 me
[17:21] Zpektrix_TAS> so i just went for red and green
[17:21] FreeInca> :V
[17:21] [OP]pressive_clown> elgato you gotta have more awareness.. you cant attack 3 times in a row without helping me defend troops from 3 players and 2 shamans
[17:21] [OP]pressive_clown> you saw i had no towers left
[17:21] [OP]pressive_clown> how should i defend everything
[17:22] FreeInca> what a laugh man
[17:22] FreeInca> :lol:
[17:22] [OP]pressive_clown> ?
[17:22] [OP]pressive_clown> im trying to give you tips
[17:22] FreeInca> but angry I won't understand anything
[17:23] JJaydenn_TSI> freeinca = shit
[17:23] [GoD]spinnimini> gogogoogogog
[17:23] [GoD]spinnimini> got only 1 hh
[17:23] FreeInca> gaydenn
[17:23] merciless1> freeshit
[17:23] [GoD]spinnimini> JOINNNNNNNNNNNN
[17:23] [OP]pressive_clown> ok the arguments are still valid
[17:23] [OP]pressive_clown> penedjo
[17:23] [OP]pressive_clown> pendejo
[17:23] FreeInca> vamos a la playa
[17:23] FreeInca> lalalalala
[17:23] merciless1> con chics wapass
[17:23] FreeInca> :peped:
[17:23] [GoD]spinnimini> FRANCISCO
[17:24] FreeInca> diego ve a jugar con ese puto
[17:24] FreeInca> que solo reniega
[17:24] FreeInca> se suicida a cada rato y reniega
[17:24] merciless1> es demasiado puto
[17:24] FreeInca> es una perra coomo la hermana de facu
[17:25] merciless1> pero la hermana de facu esta a otro nivel
[17:25] merciless1> es perra de cojones
[17:25] merciless1> un gustazo para mi verga
[17:25] [GoD]spinnimini> +1111
[17:25] [GoD]spinnimini> [18:25] [GoD]spinnimini> +1111[18:25] [GoD]spinnimini> +1111[18:25] [GoD]spinnimini> +1111[18:25] [GoD]spinnimini> +1111[18:25] [GoD]spinnimini> +1111[18:25] [GoD]spinnimini> +1111[18:25] [GoD]spinnimini> +1111[18:25] [GoD]spinnimini> +1111[18:25] [GoD]spinnimini> +1111[18:25] [GoD]spinnimini> +1111[18:25] [GoD]spinnimini> +1111[18:25] [GoD]spinnimini> +1111[18:25] [GoD]spinnimini> +1111
[17:25] [GoD]spinnimini> +1
[17:25] FreeInca> lol
[17:25] FreeInca> looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
[17:25] Kayin out
[17:26] [GoD]spinnimini> +1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>+1>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>+1
[17:26] [GoD]spinnimini> +1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>+1>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>+1>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1>>>>>>>>>>
[17:26] FreeInca> no quieren al renegon de aliado
[17:26] [OP]pressive_clown> elgato stfu you need to listen to better players
[17:26] merciless1> can some1 fkin join spin so he shuts the fk up
[17:26] [GoD]spinnimini> shogun join
[17:26] [GoD]spinnimini> +1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>+1>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>+1>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1>>>>>>>>>>
[17:26] [GoD]spinnimini> YOU JOIN ?
[17:26] Unpredictable> shogun can u translate us
[17:26] Unpredictable> whats happening
[17:26] JJaydenn_TSI> :+1:
[17:26] merciless1> whats happenin is u guys need +1
[17:26] FreeInca> [11:26] merciless1> can some1 fkin join spin so he shuts the fk up
[17:26] [GoD]spinnimini> NICI JOINED
[17:26] merciless1> nvm
[17:26] FreeInca> :V
[17:27] [AsG]mentix> [AsG]mentix + JJaydenn_TSI + washedUp_tsi + [OP]pressive_clown vs. [GoD]spinnimini + Unpredictable + [D]PeepoClown + Zpektrix_TAS
[17:27] [GoD]spinnimini> [AsG]mentix + JJaydenn_TSI + washedUp_tsi + [OP]pressive_clown vs. [GoD]spinnimini + Unpredictable + [D]PeepoClown + Zpektrix_TAS
[17:27] merciless1> big niZki
[17:27] [GoD]spinnimini> me and nici back
[17:27] [GoD]spinnimini> trod behind me
[17:27] JJaydenn_TSI> :+5: :+5: :+5: :+5: :+5:
[17:27] [GoD]spinnimini> or random
[17:27] merciless1> rnadom
[17:27] [GoD]spinnimini> k random
[17:27] merciless1> spoin where u goin in 1 hour
[17:27] [Rw]Carycyn out
[17:27] FreeInca> i want to see Babo lose, there will be a stream
[17:27] merciless1> at f0kin weekend
[17:27] [Rw]Jops> you say you couldnt do anything lol
[17:27] [Rw]Jops> they could
[17:27] [Rw]Carycyn in
[17:27] FreeInca> gogogogogo
[17:27] [OP]pressive_clown> wont stream this just for you :)
[17:27] [Rw]Carycyn out
[17:28] [AsG]mentix> random
[17:28] [AsG]mentix> tsu small
[17:28] [Rw]Carycyn in
[17:28] [Rw]Jops> that bd did not work!
[17:28] [AsG]mentix> everyone wanted that in discord
[17:28] JJaydenn_TSI> lol
[17:28] [AvA]Soma-> jops no offense but you can't host a game with that net
[17:28] [Rw]Raver> i didn't build extra land for you to expose it lol
[17:28] [Rw]Raver> gg though
[17:28] [Rw]Jops> I told you lol
[17:28] [Rw]Raver> yea were warned
[17:28] [Rw]Carycyn> well that gave us a lifeline
[17:28] [Rw]Carycyn> we werent gonna win in front
[17:29] [Rw]Jops> its not my house, im in the countryside here
[17:29] [Rw]Carycyn> i couldnt play anyways
[17:29] [Rw]Jops> I said, North South Sudan
[17:29] [Rw]Jops> Raver why dont you try
[17:29] [Rw]Raver> i will next time
[17:29] [Rw]Raver> gonna go deliver some ubers for a bit
[17:29] [Rw]Raver> will be back later
[17:30] [Rw]Jops> cool
[17:31] [Rw]Jops> fun game though
[17:34] [Rw]Jops out
[17:38] [AvA]Pharaoh in
[17:40] [AvA]Pharaoh out
[17:40] Suslik in
[17:40] Suslik out
[17:43] Sofa_King in
[17:46] jammy out
[17:47] jammy in
[17:50] [AvA]Pharaoh out
[17:50] [AvA]Pharaoh in
[17:51] Zpektrix_TAS> we were doing fine
[17:51] FreeInca> gg
[17:51] Zpektrix_TAS> i guess
[17:51] Meph> Y LETS PLASY
[17:51] washedUp_tsi> we were doing fine too
[17:51] Meph> babo nici trod
[17:51] Meph> join
[17:52] [AsG]mentix> yes
[17:52] [AsG]mentix> JOIN ROD
[17:53] christo0972 out
[17:53] christo0972 in
[17:53] Lucas in
[17:54] [AsG]mentix> [AsG]mentix + Meph + JJaydenn_TSI + [OP]pressive_clown vs. [GoD]spinnimini + washedUp_tsi + [D]PeepoClown + Unpredictable
[17:54] [AsG]mentix> nvm random
[17:54] jammy out
[17:55] [OP]pressive_clown> https://www.twitch.tv/poptb_babo
[17:55] [AsG]mentix> nici not launching
[17:55] merciless1 out
[17:55] merciless1 in
[17:56] Lucas> nici such a noob
[17:58] Sofa_King out
[18:05] [Rw]Raver out
[18:05] [OP]fer in
[18:05] [OP]fer> sorry I was laying in bed im very sick
[18:05] [OP]fer> almost forgot
[18:05] [AsG]Ralimurr> Ouch.. get well soon dude
[18:05] Lovenji_OP> You can surrender if you want
[18:05] Lovenji_OP> :>
[18:05] [OP]fer> nah
[18:06] Lovenji_OP> So I win my bet
[18:06] [OP]fer> :fu:
[18:07] [AvA]Pharaoh out
[18:07] [OP]fer> brb toilet
[18:07] [AsG]Ralimurr> Nice toilet
[18:09] [OP]fer> k
[18:09] [AsG]Ralimurr> Lovenji's grabbing a drink
[18:09] [AsG]Ralimurr> https://www.twitch.tv/lovenfloofen
[18:09] [OP]fer> man this guy always latew
[18:09] [OP]fer> :kek:
[18:10] Lovenji_OP> Rali first map ban
[18:10] [AsG]Ralimurr> Canal Divide
[18:10] Lovenji_OP> Ven0m map ban
[18:11] [OP]fer> Frenzied Colonists
[18:11] jammy in
[18:11] [AsG]Ralimurr> Interesting
[18:11] Lovenji_OP> Rali first map pick
[18:11] [AsG]Ralimurr> There's one more 1v1 map :kekw:
[18:11] [AsG]Ralimurr> Solar Presence
[18:11] [AsG]Ralimurr> Also the one I'm picking
[18:11] [OP]fer> my only goal in tournaments is to play as many maps as possible
[18:11] [AsG]Ralimurr> I've seen Ven0m on Canal Divide
[18:11] [AsG]Ralimurr> Pls no :kekw:
[18:12] [OP]fer> :)
[18:14] [GoD]Rbwilson in
[18:14] [GoD]Rbwilson out
[18:14] [GoD]Rbwilson in
[18:16] christo0972> +2
[18:17] [AsG]Keith52> Is my tourney game now
[18:18] [AsG]Keith52> Or in 1.45 hrs
[18:22] [GoD]Rbwilson out
[18:22] [GoD]Rbwilson in
[18:23] [Rw]Raver in
[18:23] [Rw]Raver out
[18:24] FreeInca> gg.
[18:24] [Rw]Raver in
[18:24] [GoD]spinnimini> gg
[18:25] Mammy_Tas> soon
[18:25] Mammy_Tas> Keith :)
[18:25] [OP]pressive_clown> gg wp
[18:27] Meph> pressive_clown PeepoClown spinnimini Unpredictable JJaydenn_TSI join
[18:27] [D]Nightfury in
[18:28] Dendix_9 in
[18:29] Power_OP in
[18:29] Lucas out
[18:30] christo0972 out
[18:31] Power_OP> any 1v1?
[18:34] FreeInca> join babo
[18:34] FreeInca> :P
[18:34] merciless1 out
[18:36] Meph out
[18:36] [Rw]Raver out
[18:38] [AvA]Soma- out
[18:39] [GoD]spinnimini out
[18:41] Garbageman in
[18:42] Saito_Vdm in
[18:45] [AsG]Godzilla out
[18:48] Power_OP> +2
[18:50] zero8667 out
[18:50] Zpektrix_TAS out
[18:51] [Rw]Carycyn out
[18:51] [Rw]Carycyn in
[18:51] [D]Joseph out
[18:53] [D]Joseph in
[18:53] Lovenji_OP> Rali second map pick
[18:53] [AsG]Ralimurr> Love Thy Neighbour
[18:54] trinitas in
[18:54] Lovenji_OP out
[18:54] Lovenji_OP in
[18:54] Lovenji_OP> Rali green or blue base
[18:54] Zpektrix_TAS in
[18:55] [AsG]Ralimurr> Blue
[18:55] Zpektrix_TAS out
[18:55] Zpektrix_TAS in
[18:55] SepulturaMb in
[18:55] SepulturaMb out
[18:55] SepulturaMb in
[19:01] Saito_Vdm out
[19:05] Power_OP> mentxi wanna host?44
[19:05] Power_OP> ?
[19:05] Power_OP> **
[19:06] [AsG]mentix> map?
[19:06] Power_OP> idk
[19:06] Power_OP> u chose
[19:06] [AsG]mentix> idm
[19:06] Power_OP> pp then?
[19:07] [AsG]mentix> ice and tsu here?
[19:07] Power_OP> they should be
[19:08] Saito_Vdm in
[19:08] TheRedPanda98 in
[19:09] [AsG]mentix> im thinking about doing sess to make ice happy
[19:10] Power_OP> i am not sure tsu would like it
[19:10] Power_OP> i am ok with it
[19:11] [AsG]Manl1 in
[19:12] ExLordDeath in
[19:13] [AsG]Manl1> hej
[19:16] [Rw]Carycyn out
[19:17] [Rw]Carycyn in
[19:18] Garbageman out
[19:18] [GoD]Rbwilson out
[19:20] [AsG]Godzilla in
[19:20] [AsG]Godzilla out
[19:21] [AsG]Godzilla in
[19:24] Zpektrix_TAS> gg wp ice
[19:25] washedUp_tsi> gg tsu, nicely done
[19:26] Lovenji_OP> Ven0m third map pick
[19:27] TheRedPanda98 out
[19:27] [OP]fer> ruby nova
[19:29] [GoD]Rbwilson in
[19:33] guitaryente out
[19:34] FreeInca out
[19:34] FreeInca in
[19:35] cccp out
[19:37] ExLordDeath in
[19:38] [Rw]Carycyn out
[19:39] [Rw]Carycyn in
[19:39] ExLordDeath> i dont like craters
[19:39] FreeInca out
[19:39] Dougs in
[19:40] ExLordDeath out
[19:43] [AsG]Ralimurr> gg wp
[19:43] [OP]pressive_clown> scehiß drauf deggah
[19:43] [OP]pressive_clown> einfach einen wichsen
[19:44] [AsG]Ralimurr> Get well soon Ven0m
[19:44] [OP]fer out
[19:47] Lucas> Match?
[19:48] Mammy_Tas out
[19:49] Mammy_Tas in
[19:50] [AsG]Manl1> baaabo
[19:50] [OP]pressive_clown> :howdy: manli
[19:51] JJaydenn_TSI> tourney :eyes:
[19:51] Mammy_Tas> yes :eyes!
[19:51] Mammy_Tas> :eyes: ! *
[19:52] JJaydenn_TSI> ill be bk up player if some1 does a no show
[19:52] Brandym0n in
[19:52] [AsG]Keith52 in
[19:52] [AsG]Keith52> I'm alive
[19:53] Lovenji_OP> Keith first map ban
[19:53] [AsG]Keith52> Random Spawns
[19:53] Lovenji_OP> That's not a map name
[19:54] [AsG]Keith52> Ruby Nova
[19:54] [AsG]Keith52> lmao
[19:54] Lovenji_OP> Mahmut second map ban
[19:54] Mammy_Tas> Frenzied Colonists - Revival: Reinvigorated
[19:54] Lovenji_OP> Keith first map pick
[19:54] Power_OP> well played mentix
[19:54] [AsG]mentix> damn thought we lost
[19:54] Power_OP> ggs
[19:54] Power_OP> never
[19:54] [AsG]mentix> gg
[19:55] Power_OP> give up when allied to me
[19:55] [AsG]Keith52> Solar Presence
[19:55] [AsG]mentix> nah but didnt know you had that attack coming up
[19:55] Power_OP> i was preparing
[19:55] [AsG]mentix> n1
[19:55] Power_OP> had 40 wars
[19:55] Power_OP> trods gg strategic early gg was nice
[19:55] Power_OP> could have worked
[19:56] Mammy_Tas> lol?
[19:56] Lovenji_OP> gg tournament done
[19:56] Lovenji_OP> well done mammy
[19:56] [AsG]Keith52> Oopsie
[19:56] Mammy_Tas> :omegakekw:
[19:56] Power_OP out
[19:57] TheRedPanda98 in
[20:02] [AvA]noobITA in
[20:02] Brandym0n out
[20:02] [AvA]noobITA> +3
[20:09] [D]Joseph out
[20:09] [D]Joseph in
[20:11] vnxnown in
[20:14] Aldwyc out
[20:14] Saito_Vdm> gg wp ez
[20:14] ExLordDeath> uh huh
[20:14] [AvA]noobITA> +3 pp
[20:17] [Rw]Carycyn out
[20:19] Nah_Id_Win in
[20:19] [Rw]Carycyn in
[20:23] [D]ClownConcern> https://www.twitch.tv/directory/category/populous-the-beginning
[20:25] Icefire in
[20:29] FreeInca in
[20:30] Nah_Id_Win out
[20:30] [OP]pressive_clown> https://clips.twitch.tv/CooperativeAbrasiveCroquetteTheRinger-Vmbl48ihdfN_xOBr
[20:30] zero8667 in
[20:31] [D]ClownConcern> lmfao
[20:32] SepulturaMb out
[20:32] Fenix888 in
[20:33] Unpredictable> lmfao
[20:33] Unpredictable> that was hilarious
[20:33] [AvA]noobITA> +2
[20:33] [AvA]noobITA> PP
[20:36] Unpredictable> is this tsu
[20:36] Unpredictable> https://www.twitch.tv/two_leaves
[20:36] jammy out
[20:36] vnxnown> how do i start game?
[20:37] Unpredictable> alt+f4
[20:37] vnxnown> wow thanks dude
[20:37] Unpredictable> :nice:
[20:37] [AvA]noobITA> xdù
[20:37] vnxnown> says game cant start untill all players are connected
[20:37] xtro in
[20:37] [AvA]noobITA> ye u have to open ports in modem
[20:37] JJaydenn_TSI> ggs :howdy: :poof:
[20:38] vnxnown> in settings of matchmakers
[20:38] vnxnown> ?
[20:38] JJaydenn_TSI out
[20:38] [AvA]noobITA> no modem settings
[20:38] Unpredictable> type !forward to see, or u can use hostbot if u cant host each others
[20:38] Unpredictable> join
[20:38] Minibot_UK> Unpredictable: You need to be in a hut
[20:39] Unpredictable> asd
[20:39] Minibot_UK> Unpredictable: This is a 1v1 host bot located in London, UK which anyone can use. First send me a message saying 'host'. When you are in my hut, you can send me 'start', 'pp', 'cr', 'fo', 'rank', 'unrank', 'maps', '<color name>'. There is much less lag than when the players host themselves. This is especially useful with players from different locations (use the bot which gives both players the lowest ping). Thanks to Taity-Mini for the server.
[20:39] Unpredictable> join
[20:39] Minibot_UK> Unpredictable: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[20:39] Minibot_UK> Unpredictable: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[20:39] Unpredictable> like this
[20:39] Unpredictable> pm to hostbot join
[20:39] Unpredictable> and u see commands
[20:40] [AsG]mentix out
[20:41] Unpredictable> keith is getting smashed
[20:41] Unpredictable> dayumn
[20:41] [AvA]noobITA out
[20:41] [AvA]noobITA in
[20:42] vnxnown out
[20:42] [Rw]Jops> I wonder what ever happened to Suleiman
[20:42] vnxnown in
[20:42] Fenix888 out
[20:42] Fenix888 in
[20:43] Lovenji_OP> Keith second map pick
[20:43] Mammy_Tas> gg
[20:43] Mammy_Tas> wp
[20:43] Mammy_Tas> what a game
[20:44] [AsG]Keith52> A New Beginning
[20:44] [AvA]Mibbel in
[20:44] Lovenji_OP> green or red base keith
[20:45] [AsG]Keith52> Red
[20:47] barracuda11 in
[20:48] Zpektrix_TAS out
[20:48] Zpektrix_TAS in
[20:48] [AvA]noobITA> [AvA]noobITA + xtro vs. [AsG]Manl1 + Zpektrix_TAS
[20:48] Zpektrix_TAS out
[20:48] Zpektrix_TAS in
[20:49] [AvA]noobITA out
[20:50] [D]Nightfury out
[20:51] vnxnown> hostbot?
[20:51] Plan3tFall out
[20:51] vnxnown> how do i pm the host bot?
[20:51] Dougs out
[20:51] Fenix888 out
[20:51] Fenix888 in
[20:52] zero8667 out
[20:53] Plan3tFall in
[20:53] merciless1> highlight of the tourney: keith attacking himself
[20:54] merciless1> that alone makes the tourney worth it
[20:54] merciless1> roflmao.
[20:55] [AsG]Ralimurr> :kekw:
[20:56] vnxnown out
[20:56] vnxnown in
[20:57] Fenix888 out
[21:00] kopulus in
[21:00] Fenix888 in
[21:01] Fenix888 out
[21:02] Fenix888 in
[21:02] barracuda11 out
[21:02] vnxnown out
[21:02] vnxnown in
[21:02] [GoD]Rbwilson out
[21:05] [D]Joseph> manu :howdy:
[21:05] Cyborg> mani1 get ping
[21:07] [AvA]Mibbel out
[21:07] [AsG]Manl1 out
[21:07] [AvA]Mibbel in
[21:07] vnxnown out
[21:08] [AsG]Manl1 in
[21:09] vnxnown in
[21:09] [AvA]Mibbel> me and kopulus said !best ok?
[21:09] Shakur in
[21:09] [AsG]Manl1> ok
[21:09] Lucas in
[21:10] [AvA]Mibbel> oops ping Manl1
[21:10] Shakur out
[21:10] [AsG]Manl1> its says i have a ping for me?!
[21:10] vnxnown> [launch]
[21:10] [AsG]Manl1> doesnt it?
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
Fenix888 - MapPack: OK
vnxnown - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - Fenix888: Red - vnxnown: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
[21:10] [AvA]Mibbel> i got a x here
[21:11] [AsG]Manl1> still?
[21:11] Cyborg> can we do anothe map?
Game successfully created in database.
[21:11] Mowgli out
[21:12] [AvA]Mibbel> is it good we do this one first Cyborg?
[21:12] Cyborg> kk
[21:12] Cyborg> no rules
[21:12] xtro out
Game successfully checked in.
[21:13] [AsG]Godzilla out
[21:13] [AsG]Godzilla in
[21:14] ExLordDeath out
[21:14] [AsG]Godzilla out
[21:14] [AsG]Godzilla in
Game results submitted.
[21:15] vnxnown> !join
[21:15] Minibot_UK> vnxnown: This is a 1v1 host bot located in London, UK which anyone can use. First send me a message saying 'host'. When you are in my hut, you can send me 'start', 'pp', 'cr', 'fo', 'rank', 'unrank', 'maps', '<color name>'. There is much less lag than when the players host themselves. This is especially useful with players from different locations (use the bot which gives both players the lowest ping). Thanks to Taity-Mini for the server.
[21:15] vnxnown> host
[21:15] Minibot_UK> vnxnown: There is already a host in your hut
[21:16] Fenix888 out
[21:16] Luxray out
[21:16] Fenix888 in
[21:16] vnxnown> !join
[21:16] Minibot_UK> vnxnown: This is a 1v1 host bot located in London, UK which anyone can use. First send me a message saying 'host'. When you are in my hut, you can send me 'start', 'pp', 'cr', 'fo', 'rank', 'unrank', 'maps', '<color name>'. There is much less lag than when the players host themselves. This is especially useful with players from different locations (use the bot which gives both players the lowest ping). Thanks to Taity-Mini for the server.
[21:16] vnxnown> start
[21:17] Luxray in
[21:17] vnxnown out
[21:17] vnxnown in
[21:17] Hellfest in
[21:18] Hellfest out
[21:18] Fenix888> play
[21:18] Fenix888> host
[21:18] Minibot_UK> Fenix888: You need to be in a hut
[21:18] vnxnown> !host
[21:18] Minibot_UK> vnxnown: This is a 1v1 host bot located in London, UK which anyone can use. First send me a message saying 'host'. When you are in my hut, you can send me 'start', 'pp', 'cr', 'fo', 'rank', 'unrank', 'maps', '<color name>'. There is much less lag than when the players host themselves. This is especially useful with players from different locations (use the bot which gives both players the lowest ping). Thanks to Taity-Mini for the server.
[21:18] vnxnown> !join
[21:18] Dendix_9 out
[21:18] vnxnown> !commands
[21:19] vnxnown> [host]
[21:19] [OP]pressive_clown> big keith
[21:19] [AsG]Ralimurr> That was a wild game
[21:19] [OP]pressive_clown> what a fucking mess
[21:19] vnxnown> how do i get host bot to join hut?
[21:19] Lovenji_OP> mammy final map pick
[21:20] [OP]pressive_clown> vnxnown: dm the Minibot_UK host
[21:20] vnxnown> host
[21:20] Minibot_UK> vnxnown: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[21:20] Minibot_UK> vnxnown: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[21:20] [OP]pressive_clown> while youre in a hut
[21:20] Mammy_Tas> which one can I chooe
[21:20] Mammy_Tas> forgot what was banned
[21:20] [AsG]Keith52> lmao
[21:20] [AsG]Keith52> It was messy for sure
[21:20] Lovenji_OP> Frenzied Colonists and Ruby Nova are banned
[21:20] [AsG]Ralimurr> Frenzied colonists and ruby nova
[21:20] vnxnown> unrank
[21:20] Fenix888> yellow
[21:21] Fenix888> unranked
[21:21] vnxnown> maps
[21:21] Minibot_UK> vnxnown: You can send me these commands to set the map: pp, fo, cr, eots, skir, sess, tom, blast, volc, scales, 4way, 4walls, manabattle, faceme, fensalir, angels
[21:21] [AsG]Keith52> You're a frenzied colonist Lovenji
[21:21] vnxnown> pp
[21:21] [AsG]Keith52> But america perservered
[21:21] Mammy_Tas> Ruby nova
[21:21] [AsG]Keith52> o/
[21:21] [AsG]Keith52> I banned it
[21:21] [AsG]Keith52> lol
[21:21] Lovenji_OP> literally tell him the map bans
[21:21] Mammy_Tas> Ahh
[21:21] Lovenji_OP> and he does that
[21:21] Mammy_Tas> :D
[21:21] [AsG]Keith52> hahahah
[21:21] Mammy_Tas> Love thy neeighbour
[21:21] Fenix888> start
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
[21:22] vnxnown> launch
Fenix888 - MapPack: OK
vnxnown - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - vnxnown: Red - Fenix888: Yellow * Unranked Game Game Type: Normal
[21:22] [AsG]Ralimurr> Oooh Lovenji's map again
[21:22] Mammy_Tas> :yes:
[21:22] Lovenji_OP> Blue or green base Mammy
[21:22] adray_tsi out
[21:22] Mammy_Tas> Green
Game successfully created in database.
[21:23] vnxnown> host
[21:23] Fenix888> host
[21:23] vnxnown> reset
[21:23] vnxnown> host
Game results submitted.
[21:23] Minibot_UK> vnxnown: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[21:23] Minibot_UK> Fenix888: This is a 1v1 host bot located in London, UK which anyone can use. First send me a message saying 'host'. When you are in my hut, you can send me 'start', 'pp', 'cr', 'fo', 'rank', 'unrank', 'maps', '<color name>'. There is much less lag than when the players host themselves. This is especially useful with players from different locations (use the bot which gives both players the lowest ping). Thanks to Taity-Mini for the server.
[21:23] Minibot_UK> vnxnown: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[21:23] Minibot_UK> vnxnown: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[21:23] vnxnown> maps
[21:23] Minibot_UK> vnxnown: You can send me these commands to set the map: pp, fo, cr, eots, skir, sess, tom, blast, volc, scales, 4way, 4walls, manabattle, faceme, fensalir, angels
[21:23] vnxnown> fo
[21:23] vnxnown> launch
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
[21:24] Fenix888> maps
Fenix888 - MapPack: OK
vnxnown - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - vnxnown: Red - Fenix888: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
[21:24] vnxnown out
Game results submitted.
[21:25] Fenix888> host
[21:25] Minibot_UK> Fenix888: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[21:25] Lucas out
[21:25] Minibot_UK> Fenix888: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[21:25] vnxnown in
[21:25] Fenix888> yellow/red
[21:25] Fenix888> [yellow]
[21:25] vnxnown> red
[21:26] vnxnown> launch
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
Fenix888 - MapPack: OK
vnxnown - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - Fenix888: Yellow - vnxnown: Red * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
Game successfully checked in.
[21:30] vnxnown> how do i host?
[21:31] vnxnown> anyone willing to helo?
[21:31] vnxnown> help?
[21:32] [D]Joseph> forward your ports to 7575 udp
[21:32] [D]Joseph> vnxown
[21:33] vnxnown> yeah i did that
[21:34] [D]Joseph> run as admin
[21:34] vnxnown> but it didnt work
[21:34] vnxnown> not sure what i did wrong
[21:34] [D]Joseph> also try port test in network in settings
[21:35] [D]Joseph> some cant host
[21:35] [D]Joseph> make sure your firewall allows it too
[21:35] washedUp_tsi out
[21:35] [Rw]Raver in
[21:36] vnxnown> hmm alright
[21:36] vnxnown> does it matter if i have wired connection or not?
[21:36] [Rw]Raver> yea
[21:36] [Rw]Raver> usually
[21:37] vnxnown> my pc is connected to the modem
[21:37] [Rw]Raver> ethernet is superior in all ways
[21:37] [D]Joseph> ye i use that
[21:37] vnxnown> theres a section in the portforwarding called Int. port
[21:38] [Rw]Raver> that's for when you want to send things to other countries by boat
Game results submitted.
[21:38] [Rw]Raver> brb
[21:38] [Rw]Raver out
[21:39] Fenix888 out
[21:40] vnxnown> cant tell if you are serius about that
[21:40] [Rw]Raver in
[21:42] ClownStar_OP in
[21:42] ClownStar_OP out
[21:42] ClownStar_OP in
[21:46] [Rw]Carycyn> host manu
[21:46] kopulus out
[21:47] vnxnown out
[21:47] Fenix888 in
[21:48] Fenix888 out
[21:48] vnxnown in
[21:48] [AsG]Manl1> not sure if i can
[21:48] adray_tsi in
[21:49] [Rw]Carycyn out
[21:49] [Rw]Carycyn in
[21:49] Luxray out
[21:50] Saito_Vdm> +7
[21:51] [Rw]Raver> that's a long shot
[21:51] [Rw]Raver> might as well join here
[21:52] [Rw]Carycyn out
[21:52] [Rw]Carycyn in
[21:52] kopulus in
[21:52] Mammy_Tas> :(
[21:52] [AsG]Keith52> What a disappointing third game
[21:52] [AsG]Keith52> How in the world didj it get so fucking bad
[21:52] Mammy_Tas> Indeed
[21:52] [Rw]Carycyn> make it raver and me
[21:52] [AsG]Keith52> The entire first two games were fine!
[21:52] [Rw]Carycyn> on a different map maybe?
[21:52] [AsG]Ralimurr> WiFi is risky man
[21:52] [AsG]Keith52> Then I started freezing for ten secs
[21:52] [AsG]Keith52> Yeah well this laptop's ethernet port died
[21:52] [AsG]Keith52> Can't connect into it lol
[21:53] Mammy_Tas> I feel bad winning this one as well
[21:53] [AsG]Keith52> NOw it's wifi permanently until I get a new laptop whcih idk
[21:53] [AsG]Keith52> It's gg anyway mammy you did fine and had massive lead
[21:53] Mammy_Tas> won because of opponent lagging
[21:53] [AsG]Keith52> Just losing duels in mid sucked
[21:53] [AsG]Keith52> gg gtg
[21:53] [AsG]Keith52 out
[21:53] FreeInca> manu 3v3?
[21:54] [AsG]Ralimurr out
[21:56] trinitas out
[21:58] [AsG]Manl1> what map do you want?
[21:58] [Rw]Carycyn> walls way sess all work
[21:59] Lovenji_OP> Hhhhhh
[21:59] Mowgli in
[22:00] [Rw]Raver> o/ lovenji
[22:00] Lovenji_OP> o/
[22:00] FreeInca> 4v4? manu
[22:00] [AsG]Godzilla out
[22:00] FreeInca> love u red shaman wanna play
[22:01] kopulus out
[22:02] Lovenji_OP> :rip:
[22:02] [Rw]Raver> what we waiting for
[22:02] Lovenji_OP> Full moon
[22:03] FreeInca> :RIP:
[22:03] FreeInca> i relog
[22:03] FreeInca out
[22:04] FreeInca in
[22:04] ClownParty> hut 1 smells like fresh
[22:04] BigMonster in
[22:05] Salpat in
[22:06] [AvA]Mibbel out
[22:06] [AvA]Mibbel in
[22:07] kopulus in
[22:07] kopulus out
[22:07] ClownParty out
[22:08] Mowgli> No ping, no fun.
[22:09] washedUp_tsi in
[22:10] FreeInca in
[22:10] [AvA]Mibbel> someoneelse host
[22:11] FreeInca out
[22:11] FreeInca in
[22:11] FreeInca out
[22:11] adray_tsi out
[22:12] FreeInca out
[22:14] vnxnown out
[22:15] FreeInca in
[22:15] Lovenji_OP> weird
[22:21] FreeInca in
[22:21] FreeInca> red shaman 1v1?
[22:21] FreeInca out
[22:22] cccp in
[22:23] [AvA]Mibbel> hi cccp
[22:23] [AvA]Mibbel> hi all btw
[22:23] Mowgli> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[22:24] adray_tsi in
[22:26] cccp> i need cacao
[22:26] cccp> 3 mins
[22:26] Mowgli> cocoa
[22:27] FreeInca> winter
[22:29] FreeInca> goo
[22:32] cccp> 1
[22:33] cccp> 11
[22:33] FreeInca> ping fine?
[22:33] FreeInca> map pack?
[22:33] Mowgli> sess
[22:36] Mammy_Tas> gnight all :)
[22:36] Mammy_Tas out
[22:36] FreeInca> laggett out mowgli
[22:36] Mowgli in
[22:36] cccp> MAUGLA
[22:37] Mowgli> lost internet
[22:37] Mowgli> sorry
[22:37] FreeInca> :V
[22:37] [AvA]Mibbel out
[22:38] Lovenji_OP> gg wp
[22:38] FreeInca> lovenji wanna play
[22:38] FreeInca> 2v2
[22:38] Salpat> jajaja tristeee
[22:38] FreeInca> me and mowgli
[22:38] FreeInca> u and cccp
[22:38] FreeInca> tristeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[22:38] FreeInca> muy tristeeeeee
[22:38] Mowgli out
[22:38] Salpat> es diferente vs ia jajajaja
[22:38] Mowgli in
[22:38] FreeInca> lol
[22:39] Lovenji_OP> Yep
[22:39] FreeInca> muy diferente
[22:39] Lovenji_OP> Very different
[22:39] Salpat> ok aprendere jajaja
[22:39] FreeInca> lovenji
[22:39] FreeInca> here
[22:39] FreeInca> me and salpat
[22:39] [Rw]Raver out
[22:39] [Rw]Raver in
[22:39] Mowgli> kick the wildie
[22:40] Saito_Vdm> Yo
[22:40] Saito_Vdm> Soy
[22:40] FreeInca> negro
[22:40] Saito_Vdm> Una
[22:40] Lovenji_OP> Why kick him
[22:40] Saito_Vdm> Perra
[22:40] Lovenji_OP> he plays better than Mowgli already
[22:40] FreeInca> en
[22:40] FreeInca> calor
[22:40] Saito_Vdm> en
[22:40] Salpat> uy wuf wuf
[22:40] Lovenji_OP> :foxlaugh:
[22:40] Saito_Vdm> Celo
[22:40] FreeInca> saiito here?
[22:40] Salpat> saito es de cero no tsucaima??
[22:40] cccp> i drink Cahokicao
[22:40] FreeInca> es una perra en calor
[22:40] Saito_Vdm> Saito has lose so many games today he feels sad
[22:41] FreeInca> wanna play nerd?
[22:41] cccp> re
[22:41] cccp out
[22:41] Salpat> ok run¡¡
[22:41] cccp in
[22:41] Mowgli out
[22:41] FreeInca> saito negro veni a jugar
[22:41] Salpat> Saito nigaa
[22:41] FreeInca> lol
[22:41] Salpat> jaja ok nu
[22:41] Salpat> jajaja
[22:41] cccp> sighto
[22:41] FreeInca> :ban:
[22:42] Salpat> jajajaja
[22:42] FreeInca> its faggot
[22:42] FreeInca> :V
[22:42] Salpat> XD
[22:42] FreeInca> me cccp
[22:42] FreeInca> :peped:
[22:43] cccp> i drink Cahocicao
[22:43] cccp> 1
[22:44] cccp> cccp + Mowgli vs. Salpat + FreeInca
[22:44] cccp> this teams ?
[22:44] Mowgli> sess
[22:44] ClownStar_OP out
[22:45] cccp> all sess ?
[22:45] [D]ClownConcern> CERVEZA CRYSTALL
[22:45] cccp> who want sess ?
[22:45] [D]ClownConcern> me
[22:46] Lovenji_OP> They can't answer you they're both muted
[22:47] [Rw]Carycyn> aguante la kunstmann
[22:47] Mowgli> just launc
[22:47] [Rw]Carycyn out
[22:47] [Rw]Carycyn in
[22:48] [Rw]Jops> you ever go look at the traditional leagues and see old names from 16 years ago
[22:48] [Rw]Jops> and think "what happened to that dude, 22 points in one month and then never played again"
[22:48] [Rw]Jops> https://www.popre.net/user.php?u=11057&mode=game
[22:49] [Rw]Jops> Like, remember PoP?
[22:50] [Rw]Carycyn> whats PoP
[22:50] [Rw]Carycyn> link goes nowhere
[22:50] [D]ClownConcern> blue eagle and mannin
[22:50] adray_tsi out
[22:51] [Rw]Jops> that just goes to a users profile
[22:51] [Rw]Jops> the clan Pop, Tundars clan
[22:51] SepulturaMb in
[22:51] [Rw]Raver> i remember PoP
[22:52] [Rw]Jops> Mannin! I remember Mannin
[22:52] [Rw]Jops> like, just disappeared
[22:52] SepulturaMb out
[22:52] SepulturaMb in
[22:52] [Rw]Carycyn> +2
[22:52] [Rw]Raver> does mixjumpen still play this
[22:52] [Rw]Carycyn> like everyday
[22:52] [Rw]Raver> is he still retarded
[22:52] [Rw]Carycyn> hes AvA noobita
[22:53] SepulturaMb out
[22:53] SepulturaMb in
[22:53] SepulturaMb out
[22:53] [Rw]Jops> mixjumpen is noobita
[22:53] [Rw]Jops> hahah
[22:53] SepulturaMb in
[22:53] [Rw]Raver> no way
[22:53] [Rw]Carycyn> join terror or manu?
[22:54] [Rw]Raver> i'm about to get some peas and cook them so i cannot
[22:54] TheRedPanda98 out
[22:55] adray_tsi in
[22:55] [Rw]Carycyn> lets go love
[22:57] Lovenji_OP> oh hi
[22:57] Lovenji_OP> lol
[22:59] [Rw]Jops> how many you got
[22:59] Plan3tFall out
[23:02] FreeInca out
[23:02] FreeInca in
[23:02] FreeInca> because they silence me
[23:02] FreeInca> :lol:
[23:03] FreeInca> no cargaste hechizos bro
[23:03] Salpat> SEGUN YO SI :(
[23:04] [D]ClownConcern out
[23:04] FreeInca> cargan rapido si solo abres uno
[23:04] FreeInca> oh tenias abiertos todos?
[23:04] Salpat> SOLO EL TERREMOTO
[23:05] FreeInca> pero debes usar tu shaman y proteger tu base
[23:05] Lucas in
[23:08] FreeInca> lol
[23:08] FreeInca> ire a jugar roblox
[23:08] Salpat> OK JEJE GRACIAS¡¡
[23:12] [Rw]Jops in
[23:12] Mowgli> No game, no fun.
[23:13] Mowgli out
[23:13] [OP]pressive_clown out
[23:17] 3Prong in
[23:22] Cyborg> cccp
[23:22] Cyborg> host
[23:27] Lovenji_OP> bg
[23:27] Salpat> 1 MAS???
[23:27] [AsG]Manl1> gg :D
[23:28] [Rw]Carycyn> man those bds
[23:28] [Rw]Carycyn> all went wrong
[23:28] [Rw]Carycyn> lol
[23:28] [AsG]Manl1> rofl
[23:28] [AsG]Manl1> no i dont even think so
[23:28] Lovenji_OP> yeah you did a good job boring me out of the game
[23:28] Lovenji_OP> well done you
[23:28] [AsG]Manl1> how did i bore you out?
[23:28] [AsG]Manl1> by playing aggressive?
[23:28] Lovenji_OP> oh you call that aggressive
[23:29] Lovenji_OP> funny
[23:29] [AsG]Manl1> :D
[23:29] Lovenji_OP> This just in, standing on hills with Lights is now considered 'aggressive'
[23:29] [AsG]Manl1> yes :)
[23:29] [AsG]Manl1> did you miss the announcement?
[23:29] Lovenji_OP> Clearly
[23:30] [AsG]Manl1> it's been all over the place
[23:31] Lovenji_OP> I can't fucking wait to quit this game again
[23:31] [AsG]Manl1> rofl
[23:31] [AsG]Manl1> its not like you don't have the choice to do that any time
[23:31] Lovenji_OP> I don't
[23:31] Lovenji_OP> I have to run tournaments
[23:31] Lovenji_OP> I have to wait until my tournament is finished
[23:31] [AsG]Manl1> oh we were playing a tournament game?
[23:31] [AsG]Manl1> i didnt know
[23:32] Lovenji_OP> Oh you're hilarious
[23:32] [Rw]Raver> complaining about lights again lol
[23:32] [AsG]Manl1> thank you
[23:32] Lovenji_OP> So funny in fact I forgot how to laugh
[23:32] [AsG]Manl1> oh that's the saddest thing i've heard on the internet today
[23:32] [Rw]Carycyn> i dont think i even had a decent kd tbh
[23:32] SepulturaMb out
[23:32] [Rw]Carycyn> yep 11-13
[23:33] [AsG]Manl1> you did good tho
[23:33] [Rw]Raver> how do you see your kd
[23:33] Lovenji_OP> Ask the fairies
[23:33] [Rw]Raver> okay i will
[23:33] [Rw]Raver> lovenji, how do i see my kd?
[23:33] [Rw]Raver> ya fairy
[23:33] Lovenji_OP> Meditate on it
[23:33] [Rw]Jops> hahahahaha
[23:34] [Rw]Jops> just go on the game stats that pops up after a game and look at your... KD
[23:34] [Rw]Jops> https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=496217
[23:34] [Rw]Raver> oh i wanted my total kd over all time
[23:34] [Rw]Jops> that doesnt exist i dont think, probs a good feature idea
[23:35] [Rw]Carycyn> man this must be like the first time since 06 i win 3 games in a row
[23:35] [Rw]Carycyn> fucking crazy
[23:36] Lovenji_OP> Guess there is a god
[23:36] [Rw]Raver> hallelujah
[23:36] [Rw]Carycyn> thanks for being so supportive
[23:36] [Rw]Jops> baller
[23:36] [AsG]Manl1> haha
[23:37] [Rw]Carycyn> you guys are legends
[23:37] [AsG]Manl1> sometimes its a good idea to ally me:3
[23:37] [AsG]Manl1> sometimes its really not
[23:37] [D]ClownConcern in
[23:38] [D]ClownConcern> keef lost :feelsbadman:
[23:38] Lovenji_OP> He'll get over it
[23:38] [Rw]Carycyn> i wouldnt be so sure
[23:38] [D]ClownConcern> :kek:
[23:41] [Rw]Carycyn> i spent most of the day on tunders discord voicechat
[23:41] [Rw]Carycyn> me and my first grade english
[23:41] [Rw]Carycyn> none of u were there tho
[23:42] Cyborg> https://dailynintendo.nl/2023/11/06/review-dino-ranch-ride-to-the-rescue-alleen-voor-de-allerkleinsten/
[23:44] [GoD]Rbwilson in
[23:45] [AsG]Manl1> what map you guys wanna do?
[23:45] [AsG]Manl1> pp?
[23:45] [Rw]Raver> pp is high stress
[23:46] [Rw]Carycyn> brb
[23:46] [Rw]Carycyn out
[23:46] [Rw]Raver> i havent played it in 10 years
[23:46] [Rw]Carycyn in
[23:46] [Rw]Raver> i always avoided it
[23:46] [Rw]Raver> but idm
[23:46] [AsG]Manl1> i'm open to suggestions
[23:46] [AsG]Manl1> but i love a good pp :D
[23:47] [Rw]Carycyn> jops u still on shitty net
[23:47] [Rw]Jops> 2 secs
[23:47] [Rw]Jops> yes
[23:47] [Rw]Raver> do a random map from a random pack that you've never heard of
[23:47] [Rw]Jops> i like that idea
[23:47] [Rw]Carycyn> manus hostings tough for me do something simple
[23:48] [Rw]Jops> lemme try something, hold my spot
[23:48] [Rw]Jops out
[23:48] [Rw]Raver> is this the part where we sit and wait for 20 minutes
[23:48] [AsG]Manl1> töm?
[23:48] [Rw]Raver> sure
[23:48] [Rw]Carycyn> ill play tom with small base
[23:48] [AsG]Manl1> ok
[23:48] [Rw]Carycyn> too lagy
[23:48] [Rw]Jops in
[23:48] [AsG]Manl1> me and jops then?
[23:48] [Rw]Carycyn> make jops and raver big bases
[23:48] [AsG]Manl1> ok
[23:48] [AsG]Manl1> cool
[23:49] [Rw]Jops> same net diff router
[23:49] [Rw]Jops> might work better, but looking at ping unlikely lol
[23:49] [Rw]Jops> I have never played this map
[23:53] Cyborg> cccp i have a game for you
[23:53] Cyborg> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0xjzJTmYvk
[23:56] cccp> THANKS ITS COOL
[23:58] Garbageman in